
ToDo: marking of text column by column!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    There is one function, which is not implemented. If want to mark some columns of an ASCII-table, I need this function (like in WinEdit, I think :o)



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Perhaps Goto Line#, could extend to become
      GoTo Line(,Column) ?, and then a simple tick-box
      in GoTo popup, to BOX select with previous GoTo Line,Col ?

      Presently there is a workaround :
      Use the Cursor XY is on status bar.
      Click best guess of where you want to be, and re-click until you get needed Line.Col.
      Press Shft-Alt, and move mouse to other corner,
      KEEP DOWN Shft-Alt, and re-click until other corner has correct Line.Col

      There is still the bug that box corners are
      within EOL of first/last lines.
      ( the suggested ^G extension might be a simple way to sidestep that ? )
