
Small bug with "Begin/End Select" feature


    THEVENOT Guy - 2013-07-20

    Hi Andreas and All,

    I found a small bug, concerning Begin/End Select feature, in the last 6.4.2 version of N++

    • Copy the two lines, below, in a new file

    This is an example text to see the bug

    • Put the cursor just before the word example, in the second line

    • Performs a Begin/End Select operation ( Start of selection )

    • On the first line, add the string 123 after the 3 letters ABC

    • Put the cursor just after the word text, in the second line

    • Performs a Begin/End Select operation ( End of selection )

    Bug : the string an example text is selected, instead of the string example text ( + 3 characters )

    On the contrary :

    • On the first line, delete the string 123, previously added

    • Put the cursor just before the word example, in the second line

    • Performs a Begin/End Select operation ( Start of selection )

    • Delete the string ABC, in the first line ( so the first line is empty)

    • Put the cursor just after the word text, in the second line

    • Performs a Begin/End Select operation ( End of selection )

    Bug : the string mple text is selected, instead of the string example text ( - 3 characters )

    It looks as the Begin/End Select operation keeps the absolute offset of the start of the selection !

    I don't think it's a real annoyance. We just have to remember that fact :)




    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2013-07-20

    THEVENOT Guy - 2013-07-21

    Hello Andreas,

    Thanks for your rapid modification. But, as I don't know how to use patches to change N++, I'll wait the next major version. Never mind :)




    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2013-07-21