
Feature Request / Update

  • Sina

    Sina - 2014-07-16

    Hi everyone!
    I don't know if these features already exist on the great NP++ but I couldn't find them and I desperately need them:

    1. Ability to change the color of function names

      • I program in PHP. Currently, function names are treated as the programming language words and are (by default) blue. It would be great if we could change function name color (e.g. to red) that would save a lot while scrolling your .class.php files.
    2. Problems with Unicode (specifically, Perisna/Arabic) strings

      • I develop websites for Persian/Arabic languaged organizations. A huge pain in the ass is when you want to select and change a part of Perisna/Arabic string. It is usually faster to rewrite the whole string
      • if you have $str = 'سلام به شما' and you highlight 'شما' to change it, as soon as you press any key to type a character (for example 'چ'), it will become: $str = 'چ به شما'! In other words, the only thing that doesn't change is the part you selected! I think this is a problem with LTR vs RTL processing.
    3. Some parts of the code remain outside when you collapse a function

      • In some of my PHP functions, I have a html block which is defined inside the function for example:
    [-] static fucntion printData(){
            **SOME PHP STUFF**
    [-]     \<table>
                **SOME HTML STUFF**

    now, if you click the "-" sign beside the function declaration to collapse it, only the code between PHP start & end will collapse:

    [+] static fucntion printData(){
    [-]     <table>
                SOME HTML STUFF

    Last edit: Sina 2014-07-16
  • Sina

    Sina - 2014-07-16

    Sorry for the first block to be unformatted... I tried everything but coudln't format it properly