
Small bugs in 3.5, feature requests

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    First of all, thanks for Notepad++. As a programmer I have tried dozens different editors before landing on this one, and I have to admit it's one of the best around!

    There are a couple of small bugs I've found using the program, which seem to be there since version 3.4. They're not fundamental, but on the long run get a bit annoying, I thought to point them out.

    I'm running on Windows XP SP1.

    1) Sometimes opening the program the Toolbar is not visualized, even if it should on my program configuration. By selecting or deselecting "View StatusBar" (according to its initial state), the Toolbar magically appears again.

    2) The "View Function List" keyboard shortcut doesn't work.

    Feature requests: (these would be really useful for me!)

    3) When the search function finds something that happens to be in an are between brackets that have been folded, it would be nice for the program to automatically unfold them, otherwise the search process becomes a bit heavy to carry on on folded files

    4) when using the "search in files" search function, it would be nice if the results appeared in real time in the search window, while still searching, so to speed up the search process for the user.

    That's it,

    Thanks again for the wonderful program!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Forgot one!

      If you "Cut" some text (ctrl+x), then delete some other portion of text (Canc), then try to paste again (ctrl+v), the editor doesn't paste the text that had been cut before, but pastes the deleted text instead.

      It's looks as if the "Delete" function moves text in the clipboard (overwriting the buffer) instead of simply removing it.