
Notepad++ project leaves SourceForge

Don HO
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  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2015-06-15

    I understand.

    What happens with all the tickets (especially the open ones)?

    What happens with the discussion boards?


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-06-15

      Hi Simon,

      They will be abandoned.
      That's why the one week of delay to let people move them on GitHub.


      • matttbe

        matttbe - 2015-06-15

        Hi Don,

        I don't know if you already looked at sf2github script but it should help migrating from SF to Github bugs tracker:


  • hajj_3

    hajj_3 - 2015-06-15

    you should update your website as your "contribute" link on your website still takes people to sourceforge to report bugs, request features etc instead of github.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-06-16

      Thank you for your reminding.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-06-15

    Hey Don,

    If, and I do mean if, SourceForge decides to change and make everything "right" again, will you come back to SourceForge? Back when SF wasn't doing all this shady stuff, it was a really good place to distribute and download open source software.


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-06-20

      Hi Dylan,

      It depends on the "right" definition.

      The "right" definition by SF is stop hijacking abandon projects, and do only the opt-in - that is project owners agree that SF bundle their software, and share the income with SF. Filezilla is a well known example.

      My "right" definition is not even offering bundle option.

      Users download bundled software from SF, then they discover their PC is full of crapware - I don't know what will be your reaction, but I'll blame to SF directly. So you see the idea, the software stays on SF could be the opt-in, corrupted, not by SF, but WITH SF.

      Being project owner of Notepad++, I have no intention to associate Notepad++ with this dirty brand.


      Last edit: Don HO 2015-06-20
  • scootergrisen

    scootergrisen - 2015-06-15

    You might have problems with the project being overtaken by the account sf-editor1 like the other projects that leaves. Or tries to leave.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-06-16

      Here are the actions will be taken:
      All the forums and trackers will be closed. I stay as admin to keep an eye on it.
      SF can always take over the project and do their dirty stuffs, but they cannot shut down my voice outside (newsletter, mailing list, social network...).


      Last edit: Don HO 2015-06-20
  • Justin Dailey

    Justin Dailey - 2015-06-15

    Assuming this discussion board is also going away, it might be nice to have another type of discussion board like this. I understand there is the live chat (which is a very nice idea) but many posts on this forum take many hours or days for a response. A fear would be users start posting simple help related questions as issues, meaning every that would be posted in this help section gets opened as github issues which may drown out the real bugs.

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2015-06-16

      I second that. We need a discussion board. Why not host a phpBB board on the main N++ site?

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-06-16

      I do understand this problem. If there's any solution for that (on github), I will take it.
      In the meanwhile, let's say a question could be an issue, and there'll be a "question" label on this issue.

      • Jan Schreiber

        Jan Schreiber - 2015-06-16

        What about an embedded forum? We use it in the LanguageTool project, and it works OK.
        Notepad++ has a lot of nice users who are always willing to help out if somebody has a problem, it would be a shame if that community were lost. Personally I have learned tons of useful things on this board here, and I am sure I was able to help other people in a few cases.
        That gitter thing certainly has its uses, but with millions of Notepad++ users worldwide, there is a fair chance that questions (and also answers!) will get lost in all that noise.

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2015-06-17

          Interesting... Could you provide any url of project on this forum?

          • Jan Schreiber

            Jan Schreiber - 2015-06-18

            I'm not 100 % sure I understand you. If you mean the LanguageTool forum, it is here: It is a good example for what a Nabble forum looks like after being in use for some time.
            Nabble itself is here: Just click on "Start a Free Forum" and you're done in a few minutes. If it doesn't work out for some reason, you can still abandon it and look for another solution.


            Last edit: Jan Schreiber 2015-06-18
            • Don HO

              Don HO - 2015-06-20

              Thank you for the example you provide.
              It looks easy and efficient. However I don't really like their look and feel. Other reasons that make me hesitate are the dependency and more authentication.
              By dependency I mean if change their policy (look at SF), then whole forums could be gone. By "more authentication" I mean for a developer who has the account of GitHub, he/she should create the second account for discussing in the forums.

              I did some search for the forum solutions for github, and I found this one:

              It looks sexy, it's independant (need to be deployed) by using GitHub, and it could be authentified via GitHub (to be checked).

              I'm aware of the need of forums for the community, but I prefer to choose the solution carefully. For that, we need time.

              • Jan Schreiber

                Jan Schreiber - 2015-06-21
                Post awaiting moderation.
  • shoon mcgregor

    shoon mcgregor - 2015-06-15

    Great news! To continue an earlier thread I started... what about the large number of plugins that are hosted on sourceforge?

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-06-17

      I encourage all Notepad++ plugin project to move out of SF, I can't, however, decide for them.
      PluginManager is itself a plugin, it's not a build-in module.
      So I respect PluginManager project owner's decision, even though I hope this project could move out of SF.


      Last edit: Don HO 2015-06-17
      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2015-06-17

        I am open for providing my experience to help SF project owner to move out of SF.


        Last edit: Don HO 2015-06-19
  • Ices Eyes

    Ices Eyes - 2015-06-20

    The form was the only actively way we had for share and maintain updated translations file between versions... Any idea for some other ways for that?
    An idea I had some time ago was also for a plugin like plugin manager, dedicated to trnslations. I, for myself, would happy to maintain, or help to, the repository needed by collecting the files and so on, but do not have the necessary time to study how to and then make the effectively pugin, that I suppose should have just some minor differences with the actual plugin manager... :)


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-06-20

    Hello Don and All,

    From the recent moving of the entire N++ project on GitHub, I suppose that, waiting for a final solution about N++ forums, we must, from now on :

    • Create discussion posts, in GitHub - Issues, with the label "Question"

    • Create help posts, in GitHub - Issues with, with the label "Help"

    By this mean, these posts would,'t be seen as "real issue" posts :-)

    Don, an important question too :

    What's about all the numerous N++ posts, previously created on SourceForge forums ? Are they definitively lost ?!

    Indeed, I suppose that people, who created replies to recent posts, would like to go on discussing with the authors of these help or discussion posts.

    A side-effect, is that every link to any previous SF N++ post, that you have stored, for further reading, is, of course, unreachable :-(((

    As for me, for instance, I still have a lot of SF forum links, to some python questions or scripts, just stored in a .txt file, for the time I'm ready to fully investigate the python language and plugins !! From now on, they seem all obsolete -(

    Best regards,



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-06-20
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