
Nostromo N50 on Vista,Seven, XP 32&64 ! / News: Recent posts

I stop managing Nova Suite

Why ?
Because the only feedback I got is a stupid comment in the "Reviews" section that brings nothing constructive at all.
I do not see why I would share and help anymore what I did with sincerity and friendship in mind.
Please to see how you could be rewarded by users in the Open source world : definetly, some people suck.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-10-21

Nova Suite v1.2final for XP/Vista/7 32/64 bits

Use the Belkin Nostromo N50 Speedpad on Windows VISTA, 7 and XP 32 or 64 bits. No need to install drivers , plug the device and use it ! Programming levels (Normal/Red/Green/Blue) are supported !
Try it out and download the file that correspond to your system here :

Vista and seven :
XP : read more

Posted by Anonymous 2009-08-07

Happy New Year 2009

I wish you an happy new year !!! Let it be the best so far in your life and bring you health, luck, money and a lot of fun with NOVA Suite ;)

v1.2 final release is almost ready and will be available very soon.

At last you will have some decent help files coming with it.

So many things are planned in NOVA Suite for this year 2009 : stay tuned !


Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-31

NOVA Suite v1.2.0.0 in test phase.

- A kid to the hospital on Wednesday (he is fine now, just a few stitches) :/
- A big flu :/
- No internet connection yesterday :/
- But v1.2.0.0 is in testing phase :)

If I do not have time to put everithing online this evening, at least I will provide the RC1 online :)

- Mon fils à l'hôpital Mercredi pour une mauvaise chute : quelques points de sutures ont suffit et il va très bien.
- Une belle grippe
- Pas de connexion internet hier soir.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-19

NOVA Suite v1.2.0.0 on Friday/Vendredi !

What are the motivations for such a quick release before help files are released ?
- Some annoying bugs reported to me by some users (Please have a look in the tracker for details :\)
- A major feature request : possibility to map mouse buttons to the Nostromo N50.
- I would like you to spend a nice X-mas and spend some good time during your holidays (if you have some).... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-16

Nostromo N50 on Vista : v1.1.0.0 source files released !

In the download section you will also find the Changelog and the help files of the previous release.

Expect new help file release within a few days :)
Stay tuned !

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-11

Nostromo N50 on Vista : Nova Suite v1.1.0.0 released !

Use the Belkin Nostromo N50 Speedpad on Windows VISTA. No need to install drivers , plug the device and use it ! "Programming leve (Normal / Red / Green / Blue) supported. Sample Macro-List for Crysis provided.

Due to technical problems (changing modem, computer unavailable for a few days on axccount of a faulty memory stick), please expect release of :
- Source code : tomorrow
- French and English manuals within a few days.
(Little help is provided in the Readme file and the changelog.txt file,
you can also refer to help files provided with v1.0.0.0)

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-11

NOVA Suite v1.1.0.0 soon !

It is almost ready to be released, expect it within 7 days maximum.
A few bugs were identified such like the fact that if you change the loaded profile in the commander, the ancient profile is kept, fusioning the macro-commands of both profiles.
For the moment, the work around is to quit the commander and relaunch it AFTER you loaded your new profile.

Various features will be also added : for instance, in the Macro-Editor, one will be able to export or import a subset of Macro-commands, making things easier in order to build your Macro-List.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-04

NOVA Suite

First Complete release of "Nostromo n50 On VistA (NOVA) suite) !
This software suite permits to use the Belkin Nostromo N50 Speedpad on Windows Vista (32 bits), with the original programming level facilities.

The Nostromo N50 Speedpad is a gaming device created by Belkin. It is a left handed device very popular among FPS players : made of 10 buttons, a slider and a directionnal pad for wich of each a Keyboard combo can be assigned.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-11-23

Bienvenue !

Nostromo N50 sur Vista: Oui c'est possible !


Je tiens à vous présenter une suite logicielle (NOVA) qui permet d'utiliser le Speedpad Nostromo N50 (Belkin) sur Vista 32 bits (je ne l'ai pas essayé sous Vista 64 bitsni même sous Windows 7 : si vous avez testés, faites le moi savoir, merci ! ).

NOVA est l'acronyme supposé de "N50 On VistA".

Principales caractéristiques:
- Pas besoin d'installer de pilotes spécifiques comme ceux de Belkin, les pilotes génériques installés par défaut par Vista sont suffisants: vous branchez, et voilà !
- Les niveaux de programmation (Rouge / Vert / Bleu) sont pleinement pris en charge.
- Vous pouvez assigner n'importe qu'elle touche ou combinaison de touches à votre N50 (même des touches multimédia !)
- Le logiciel est OpenSource
- Le logiciel est en anglais (une version 100% traduite est en cours).
- Testé avec quelques jeux comme Crysis.
- Le fichier zip est livré avec un fichier d'aide en français et un fichier d'aide en anglais.
- Une liste de Macro commandes est fournie à titre d'exemple.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-11-21

Welcome !

English :
Nostromo n50 on VISTA : yes you can !


I would like to present you a software suite (NOVA) that permit to use the Nostromo N50 Speedpad (from Belkin) on Vista 32 bits (I did not tried it out in VISTA 64 bits and it may work in Windows 7)

NOVA is an acronym that stands for "N50 On VistA"

Key features :
- No need to install special drivers like those of Belkin, generic Vista drivers are sufficient : plug in your n50, and it will works out of the box !
- Programming levels (Red/Green/Blue) are fuly supported.
- You can map any key or key combination to the N50 (even multimedia keys !)
- Its Open Source
- Software is in english
- Tested with a few games like Crysis
- The zip file comes with a help file in french and a help file in English
- A Sample Macro List is provided... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-11-21