
Noora / Blog: Recent posts

Can the noora recreate plugin be used to install a new database project

The NoOra recreate plugin starts in order, if applicable, the drop, create and update plugins.

If the database in which you try to install the database project is not marked as blocked the recreate plugin can be used to create a new database project.

If the database is marked as blocked, see BLOCKED_ORACLE_SIDS, the recreate command can not be used. The drop plugin will fail. Use the create and or update plugin instead.

Posted by jan ripke 2013-04-27

how a reference constraint can lead to a table lock in oracle

We experienced this problem while using the register module.
This module registers the meta information of a file in the FILES table, using an AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION. The primary key, the ID of the file, is returned by register module.

Next consider we create an import procedure that stages the contents of this file in a target table. Every line in the file is stored in the target table as a new record. This target table contains the field FILE_ID, in which the id of the registered file is stored.
The field FILE_ID in the target table has a references to the field ID in the files table.... read more

Posted by jan ripke 2013-02-10

howto spool to a file in mysql

To spool the result of a select statement into a file the following statement could be used:

mysql --user=<user> --password=<password> --host=<host> 
      --execute="select char(92)" -s -r  > <filename>

The -r option removes the tabular output "boxing".
The -s option removes the column header.

The result spooled to the file should look like this:

Posted by jan ripke 2013-02-07