
Nomen Mugen Editor / News: Recent posts

SVN 2011.01.04 (source patch)

Seeing the fact that the N.O.M.E.N. project is blocked (undefined pause... see the previous news) I decided to release publicly the last changes I did before freezing the development.
The SVN will only improve a little the SffV1 reading system (but still not perfect). It is not a must-to-have version (only a minimal change) but however it is available for those ones who really want it.

The SVN is released only as a patch of Nomen 0.1 source code
You can find it in the "version 0.1" directory

Posted by Nobun 2011-04-10

Indefinite Pause

For personal reasons, Nomen project will be paused for unknown time. Until a new future news say the opposite, the works of next version (0.1.1) will not re-start.

Probably a lot of months required before works restart. A really sorry for trouble, expecially for those ones that gave to me contributions of any type (like Serio and Tunglashor).

A special thank for the (unknown) user that voted my work as a "suggested" one.... read more

Posted by Nobun 2011-03-18

Version 0.1 Released

First Release available. Nomen version 0.1 manages only Sff Files, but it is able to manage both sff 1.0 and sff 2.0 at the same time.

Note: Package with windows binary now is fixed and contains also mingwm10.dll. Thank to serio for reporting that mingwm10.dll was missing.

Nomen forum can be found at
Please go there and write your comments / suggestions there (search for section "Nomen").... read more

Posted by Nobun 2010-11-17