

OK, today, I just got approved after being rejected:) I've already done some work on this before hand. I have hotline, both the server and client handy so i decided to start to reverse or figure out the protcol. I HAVE GOTTEN ALL THE WAY THROUGH LOGGING IN AND THE AGREEMENT if u know what I mean. I also have MIRC, FTP, MOprheus, Direct Connect and othe File transfer clients and servers that I would also like conglomerate into the library, WHICH IS THE PROJECT! THE LIBRARY IS THE PROJECT! not the external program that shells it. Please take the survey, so that I can figure out if ACtive X is the way to go, or whether dlls or for u anti-Windows ppl, packages in java...or whatever u know how to write. I am open to languages and to ideas on how to do this. If u are interested take the survey and answer it and leave ur email somewhere in one of the text areas or, drop me a message

The purpose of this project: just incase u skipped as my friends have: is to ::: write a library that a program to shell to, which will allow people to write programs to be able to use all the different file trasnfer protocols with one client or server. So a server, could theoretically handle MIRC requests and HOtline and MIRC ppl could chat to each other in the main..and so forth. So it is like a cross-complaint cross network implementation library. I was also thinking about adding a new type of download, which we will get to later. IT should enable better queueing and better download speeds theoretically, but will be a challenge to impelement into a library that is "cross-network". So if u want to help drop me a line, or take the survey...if u think this idea is interesting, leave a comment somewhere in the survey or drop me a msg. thanxS!

Posted by jon wong 2002-02-28

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