Activity for NOCC

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3135] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3134] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3133] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3132] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3131] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3130] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3129] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3128] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3127] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3126] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3125] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3124] on Code

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  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3123] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3122] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3121] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3120] on Code

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  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3119] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3118] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3117] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3116] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3115] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3114] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3113] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3112] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3111] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3110] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3109] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3108] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3107] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3106] on Code

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  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3105] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3104] on Code

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  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3103] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3102] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3101] on Code

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  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3100] on Code

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  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3099] on Code

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  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3098] on Code

    NTLM SMTP auth

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3097] on Code

    SMTP NTLM authentication method

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3096] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on ticket #136

    Thanks for the reminder. Note there is: - This package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded. Use Auth_SASL2 instead. This being said: No, I didn't worked on it yet. But there may be some spare time in the near future for this. To be explicit about what we are talking about: The wish is, that the server side NOCC code authenticates to the SMTP and the IMAP/POP3 servers via SCRAM, right?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #136

    @oheil: Have you progressed on it? Note there is: -

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    Will try to do that. Thanks a lot again!

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    Perhaps this is the root cause of all the problems. Your NOCC server does not have the proper root certificate installed which are needed to verify the certificate which is shown by your smtp mail server. Have a look for example here: but there are many more if you just google the error. You should solve this issue here and revert the relaxing settings below to the stringent ones.

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good to know and thanks for your patience and effort to bring the issues up here! It's invaluable!

  • amwfc amwfc modified a comment on discussion Help

    The first set of settings worked on port 465 with SSL.

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    The first set of settings worked.

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    This keeps throwing: Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3095] on Code

    last change documented

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3094] on Code

    added example for smtp host configuration

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    For a solution (still experimental) please do the following below. BEWARE: the issue with your certificate is still present, so you should try to fix your certificate or at least found out what the real problem is. But for NOCC and the SSL SMTP connection set your configuration values to: $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_allow_self_signed = false; $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_verify_peer = true; $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_verify_peer_name = false; // <-- a bit relaxed $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_peer_name = ''; $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_security_level...

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3093] on Code

    Experimental solution to issue/discussion

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problem is not the smtp servers name missing in the certificate, because in this case the first error would be: Warning: stream_socket_client(): Peer certificate CN=`' did not match expected CN=`' in C:\xampp8.2.4\htdocs\nocc-code-r2861-trunk\webmail\classes\class_smtp.php on line 110 Relaxing the smtp security context settings doesn't help neither in this case.

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    From your webserver (where NOCC is installed) you can run the following command: openssl s_client -connect I assume that your ssl smtp port is 465. Do you see any certificate problems in the output?

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the .htaccess hint, will do. Hm, I am unsure how to proceed with the certificate errors. Of course, port 25 is not a good work around! Can you give me more details about the certificate? Is it true that it is the same which I get when connecting ? If yes I can try to mimic this on my installation. If yes can you pm me the servers name again, I didn't wrote it down for memory.

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    Going through the upgrade, a thought occurred to me that you could throw a new style .htaccess.a8 in the distribution, which works with Apache 8: #Deny access for preference files <FilesMatch "\.(session|pref|filter|contacts)$"> Require all denied </FilesMatch> Upgraded everything, merged .conf, got the same error. Unfortunately, I won't be allowed to create new accounts. Had to switch to port 25 but this is sub-optimal.

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    I did not have $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_security_level = -1; at all. That's normal as with new version people don't update their config to the newest version, which is typically not necessary. It's not easy to handle your issue, I can mainly only guess. It would be best if you could update to the current version (1.9.14) first. Second check all new config settings in conf.php.dist and update your config.php. (well this is a bit of work and chances are good that the error stays the same) Perhaps it...

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    Argh, silly me! Of course POP setting does not have anything to do with SMTP. Thanks for pointing it out! This story has a surprising continuation: the hoster tells me that the cert on their HTTPS is not the same as on their SMTP, and that SMTP should have mail. subdomain on it. I don't know how to verify that. Is there an easy way? As to the settings, smtp_verify_peer_name = false and I did not have $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_security_level = -1; at all. I set it to 0 but still got the same error...

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert this switches cert validation off for receiving mails. Above errors are from sending mails via smtp. Can you check your smtp settings like: $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_allow_self_signed = true; $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_verify_peer = false; $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_verify_peer_name = true; $conf->domains[$i]->smtp_security_level = -1; The last one is probably set ot -1 for you too, which means it is not set and ssl default is on. Setting this value to 0 means "No restrictions....

  • amwfc amwfc modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am on NOCC v1.9.13-dev. Probably after recent scheduled SSL cert renewals, my users started to get the following errors when they try to send emails: In the header of the page: Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client():...

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for looking into it! PHP is 8.1 and OpenSSL is 1.1.1p. The host URL includes :995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert I thought it should disable validation. How can I use TLS yet not validate the cert at all?

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am on NOCC v1.9.13-dev. Probably after recent scheduled SSL cert renewals, my users started to get the following errors when they try to send emails: In the header of the page: Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client():...

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    In case it is the same certificate which I see when connecting to : the hostname 'mail' is missing in the certificate therefor correctly seen as invalid.

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    PHP version and openssl version on your server may be important to know too. Check if everything is up to date.

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on discussion Help

    I will have a look into it...

  • amwfc amwfc modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am on NOCC v1.9.13-dev. Probably after recent scheduled SSL cert renewals, my users started to get the following errors when they try to send emails: In the header of the page: Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client():...

  • amwfc amwfc posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am on NOCC v1.9.13-dev. Probably after recent scheduled SSL cert renewals, my users started to get the following errors when they try to send emails: In the header of the page: Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in classes\class_smtp.php on line 106 Warning: stream_socket_client():...

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3092] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3091] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3090] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3089] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3088] on Code

    remove old simplepie

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3087] on Code

    project webspace up to php74, upgrade simplepie

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3086] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3085] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3084] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3083] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3082] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified ticket #113

    Remove To: column when showing folder contents

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified ticket #115

    Cache POP3 requests

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified ticket #114

    independed smtp login from pop/imap

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified ticket #119

    More options for RSS feed

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3081] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified ticket #118

    Need more developers!

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil modified ticket #511

    Auto-Update fails with php 8.2.3

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3080] on Code

    sha256 for update

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil posted a comment on ticket #511

    Still unresolved on php 8.2.4, same error.

  • Translation updater bot Translation updater bot committed [r3079] on Code

    Localisation updates from

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3078] on Code

    wrong date for release 1.9.13

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil created a blog post

    NOCC 1.9.14 released

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3077] on Code

    early release 1.9.14 before people change to php 8.2

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3076] on Code

    early release 1.9.14 before people change to php 8.2

  • NOCC NOCC released /NOCC/1.9.14/readme.txt

  • NOCC NOCC released /NOCC/1.9.14/

  • NOCC NOCC released /NOCC/1.9.14/nocc-1.9.14.tar.gz

  • NOCC NOCC released /NOCC/1.9.14/

  • NOCC NOCC released /NOCC/1.9.14/nocc-

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3075] on Code

    early release 1.9.14 before people change to php 8.2

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3074] on Code

    Bug #511 Auto-Update fails with php 8.2.3

  • Oliver Heil Oliver Heil committed [r3073] on Code

    Auto-Update fails with php 8.2.3

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