
Nini / News: Recent posts

Nini 1.1 Stable Released

This is the second stable release of Nini. It adds loads of enhancements and fixes all known bugs. Here is the change list:

* Ability to make keys case-insensitive (to support old INI file parsers)
* Much improved INI load and save support
* Added Load methods to all INI and XML based classes
* Added MySQL and Windows INI (Win32 API-like) support
* Added GetExpanded method to expand key values without replacing
* Added Registry config saving and key remove support
* Fixed multiple bugs
* Improved manual (split up the manual into a table of contents and 5 chapters)
* Updated build with .NET 2.0 support
* Updated all projects files to Visual Studio 2003

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2006-03-23

Nini 1.0 stable has been released!

After nearly two years of development Nini has reached it's goal of a feature complete and stable 1.0 version. It has been powering my company's TV traffic report application which is broadcast in 10 US cities for over a year now. Needless to say anything software shown on TV needs to run flawlessly so you can rest assured that it will do the same for you :)

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2005-07-25

Nini 0.9.2 Released

This release was made to add the .NET Compact Framework support and to ready Nini for the 1.0 stable release.

* .NET Compact Framework support
* Improved INI compatibility (Bug 1105692)
* VB.NET examples added to manual
* Fixed a few small bugs

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2005-03-15

Nini 0.9.1 Released

This release contains many small enhancements and bug fixes. Nini is rapidly approaching 1.0 stable!

* Added ToString override to Xml, Ini, and DotNet sources
* Added Reload method to all IConfigSource classes
* Added GetValues method to IConfig
* ConfigCollection class now implements IList (RemoveAt, Contains, etc)
* Added Tips/Tricks section to the manual
* Added empty constructor for creating configs in memory to all sources
* Added verbose switch (-v) to Nini Editor
* Added create new file switch (-n) to Nini Editor
* Added "Using Nini Effectively" section to the manual
* Fixed several Save method bugs among others

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2005-01-10

Nini Mentioned by Open Source .NET Evangelist

Brian Nantz, author of Expert Web Services Security with the .Net Platform and Open Source .Net Development mentioned Nini in his ZDNet interview:,39023769,39172157-1,00.htm

Thanks Brian!

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2004-12-22

Nini 0.9.0 Released

This release includes changes to make Nini faster and more CLS compliant, thanks to some suggestions from FxCop. It includes enhanced INI support that enables you to fully load Samba smb.conf files as well as Python configuration files. It includes the normal number of bug fixes and documentation additions. There are a couple changes that will likely affect your source code: the IConfigSource GlobalAlias property has been changed to Alias and the '#' comment is no longer valid for INI files unless you choose a different INI type. Enjoy!... read more

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2004-11-15

Nini 0.8.0 Released

New release includes key value replacement, add, remove, and command line configuration support. Features enhanced merging support and includes a new Examples directory that contains the Nini Editor, which is a configuration file editor that utilizes the Nini library. It also has a basic application that uses both C# and VB.NET.


Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2004-10-05

Nini 0.7.1 Release with Major Bug Fix

Fixed a major bug in the IniReader class that caused an infinite loop when parsing INI files. Many thanks to William Findlater for discovering this issue. Downloading this fix is highly recommended.

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2004-07-15

Nini 0.7.0 Released with XML and Registry Support

This release contains several very important enhancements. XML and Windows Registry configuration sources have been added. A new Merge method has been added. This functionality can combine multiple configuration types (INI, XML, etc) into a single source that has access to all data. Read the Change Log for a list of all enhancements. Downloading this release is highly recommended.

* Added XmlConfigSource class
* Added RegistryConfigSource class
* IConfigSource now has Merge and SaveAll methods
* A Visual Studio .NET 2003 project file has been added
* All DLLs have been signed so that they can be added to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
* Improved documentation
* Fixed a couple bugs

Posted by Brent R. Matzelle 2004-07-14