
NiL Isn't Liero / News: Recent posts

NiL wiki enhanced by CAPTCHA

Hey folks,

after a long time of bot assaults on NiL's wiki, I've finally found enough time to integrate a CAPTCHA system for non-registered users which should fix the problem. i18n doesn't work yet, so I'm going to deactivate it.

In other news, I'm going to resume work on NiL again - this time with more progress, hopefully.


Posted by Alexander Kahl 2007-01-14

Resumed work

After a couple of months I started working on NiL again. Some importanted additions and changes have been made to the wiki:

- It displays correctly in Mickeysoft Internet Exploiter
- The development subsection now contains instructions on retrieving and building NiL
- Two user stories added
- Modified the mediawiki skin to output valid xhtml 1.0 strict again
- Enhanced css for preformatted text (especially useful for code)
- Added a template for user stories
- Finally created my userpage including some background information... read more

Posted by Alexander Kahl 2006-06-26

NiL Wiki Upgraded

I've upgraded Nil's Mediawiki from version 1.5.8 to 1.6.3 so the highly useful new template features already popular at the Wikipedia Project are available now.


Posted by Alexander Kahl 2006-04-14

Wiki Creation Progress

Instead of creating new code I've been adding content to the newly created NiL Wiki for some time now and I'm still waiting for the staff to change ownership on the old project homepage so it can be replaced by the Wiki.

One of the currently most important aspects is defining the mission statement and development tasks in the form of Userstories, a technique from eXtreme Programming. I hope to encourage hackers to join the project through those easily grasped and well-defined bits.... read more

Posted by Alexander Kahl 2006-03-28

New Homepage / New team member

In the last news item I promised you to deliver good news real soon. So here it is:
I setup a Mediawiki at home and created a new skin for NiL. After going through the troublesome process of installing Mediawiki on, it is now ready to serve as NiL's new unified developer/user community platform. I'm just waiting for the staff to change the filesystem ownership of egore's old homepage so I can replace it and integrate part of the old content into the wiki.
The Wiki is already accessible at read more

Posted by Alexander Kahl 2006-03-23

Sad News

Yesterday, egore decided to leave the project for good. That means I'm left with all tasks. But don't be afraid - almost all development has been made by me for about 9 months so there won't be much impact on progress.

Other news (good ones) will follow shortly!

Posted by Alexander Kahl 2006-03-17

Project Activity Tracker

NiL's project activity is now being tracked by CIA (not the agency!) at

The service also includes an RSS feed.

Posted by Alexander Kahl 2006-03-10

Switched to SVN

NiL isn't Liero is a favorite Liero clone. It can be decribed 2D Quake or Worms done right.

We switched over to SVN (thanks sourceforge for offering such a great service) and the repository with latest stuff can be found with
svn co nil-ng
or with the webbrowser by pointing at

Posted by Christoph Brill 2006-02-24

New features

NiL isn't Liero is a favorite Liero clone. It can be decribed 2D Quake or Worms done right.

During the weekend I continued working on the PhysFS based VFS and got it wo work quite smoothly. Currently I'm working on an SDL_net based UDP communication between client and server.

Posted by Christoph Brill 2006-02-13

Development started over

NiL isn't Liero is a favorite Liero clone. It can be decribed 2D Quake or Worms done right.

We decided to start over development from scratch since the old code became unmaintainable. Join us and look at what is being done by doing:

cvs -z3 co nil-ng

Currently not much is there, but development is going on!

Posted by Christoph Brill 2006-02-09

New CVS snapshot

NiL isn't Liero is a favorite Liero clone. It can be dexcribes 2D Quake or Worms done right.
We submitted a new CVS snapshot, to get rid of the old one (which was 1 1/2 years old). This is NOT a release, but feel free to test it (and submit patches against it ;-) ).

Posted by Christoph Brill 2005-06-03