
Creating Services/ActionHandlers

  • Gunnar Hillert

    Gunnar Hillert - 2007-12-14


    In Creating_new_Services_for_NexusBPM_1.2.1.pdf on page 4 (Under 'Creating
    an ActionHandler') you mention that the service should not be an
    ActionHandlers itself but rather use the JMS-based way of doing things.

    What was your reason to move away from using ActionHandlers directly? It
    would be interesting to hear about your motives.

    Thanks a lot!



    • Matthew Sandoz

      Matthew Sandoz - 2007-12-17

      We were interested in asynchronous handling of the nodes was the main reason. We use an actionhandler to pass info out to jms but thats about it. It's not that you can't create your own action handler - you can - it's just that for our needs, we don't.

    • Nathan

      Nathan - 2008-01-11

      Also the jBPM transaction will time out if the action handler takes too long, such as a long running Jython or Groovy script.


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