
Oridea Nex Browser / News: Recent posts

Oridea Nex A2 build 4741 released!

New version of Oridea Platform, Nex Web-browser and the Hyperpad notes journal now released.
This release contains majority bugfixes, and I think that it is now possible to run it under Windows XP (previously, this platform were not supported). For the moment there are only ZIP-archives available, but we will release Windows-installer later.
Nex is the open source Web-browser written on C#. It has hypertext interface and designed to run Oridea applications since it is a part of Oridea Platform.
For more information, see

Posted by Andrew Sklyarevsky 2005-05-13

Oridea Nex A2 released

Oridea Nex A2 has been released.

As the first version, we continue the way of local hypertext applications developing.

Oridea Platform is the first architecture that provides a way to run hypertext applications locally.

Its documentation, step-by-step instructions and other related information will be available soon on our new Web-site at

Posted by Andrew Sklyarevsky 2005-04-08