
#43 Paste Without Formatting Broken


I have many "plain text" notes that were created in the Windows Evernote client which are editable via the mobile client (which does not allow editing "rich text" notes). Editing these in NixNote converts these to "rich text". The way to get around this would seem to be create a new note, copy and "paste without formatting" the contents of the "rich text" note into a new note. But when you do this and save the note, the new note is also a "rich text" note.

If I cut and paste the text into gedit and then into a new note, this function is also broken.

if you take the following text and type it in gedit/leafpad/vi whatever, and then create a new note and "paste without formatting" it into the note, when you save you will have a "rich text" note.


  • Derek Hunter

    Derek Hunter - 2012-08-07

    I'm going to have to move back to the Windows client for the time being since I cannot generate notes that are editable on the mobile client.

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2012-08-07

    This is really a feature request and not a bug.

    What mobile client are you using?

    I don't know what Evernote considers a "rich text" note and what it considers a "plain text" note. There is no real specification on the difference in their documentation. I'm guessing that the mobile client scans for some types of tags within the note.

    Would you be able to...
    1.) Create a simple text note in the mobile client. Synchronize it and export it using the Windows client so I can see the markup as the mobile client created it? Don't edit the note in the Windows client prior to the export.
    2.) Sync the note with NixNote. Export the same note without editing it.
    3.) Edit the note in both NixNote and Windows. Export them both again.

    What I'm trying to determine is what actually changed in the markup of the note. That should help me determine how much work would need to be done to make your request possible.

    I saw your post on the message board, but I want to be sure I understand what is happening.

    - If you create a new text-only note in NixNote, it is editable in Evernote's mobile client.
    - If you edit an existing note in NixNote, it becomes uneditable in the mobile client.
    - If you create a note in the mobile client, NixNote converts it to rich text when you edit it.
    - If you create or edit a note in the Windows client that is only text, it is always editable on the mobile client.

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2012-08-07
    • labels: 1408380 -->
  • Derek Hunter

    Derek Hunter - 2012-08-07

    I have attached files that outline the examples that I have shown. As far as I can tell all the notes generated by NixNote are "rich text" and are not editable in the mobile client on BlackBerry ... with the exception of the "Single Line" note that was created in NixNote. As soon as I add multiple lines the note becomes "rich text". The only main difference I can see is the "style" tags that the Evernote generated files have in their XML.

  • Derek Hunter

    Derek Hunter - 2012-08-08

    I have done some more testing. It is definitely the formatting tags that NixNote uploads to the Evernote servers. When I create a note in the WIndows client it is "plain text". When I mark it dirty in NixNote and then sync it the note becomes "rich text". If I then sync, mark it dirty, and then re-sync in the Evernote Windows client the note returns to "plain text" mode.

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2012-08-21

    Sorry, but I haven't had much time to look at this, but one thing you could try is editing the source of the note in NixNote (View/View Source) and paste the text into that field. I think it may be a workaround, but I can't test it since I don't have a BB device.

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2015-10-16
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Next Release (example)

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