
#264 RPMs missing for beta10

v1.0 (example)

RPMs are missing for beta 10 :) (main package)
Also the "download latest version" link is pointing to hunspell plugin rpm amd64..


  • M-C

    M-C - 2016-12-19

    Having similar issues with UbuntuGnome 16.10. Beta 10 missing DEB dependencies as well as Beta 8 missing dependencies.

    Love this app... but wondering what has happened with the dependency hell.

    Great job on this app.
    -- Missing a lot of AV Codecs... and popplar etc... as I work through one reported... another pops up... and of course those also have dependencies that I have to find and go through... just gave up and backed out.

    WRT ubuntu... looks like the missing packages are either from 16.04 or Trusty and occassionally Precise Pangolin....

    Hope this get worked out.

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2016-12-19
    • status: open --> closed
  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2016-12-19

    The Ubuntu deb issue is separate to the RPM one .The RPM one was caused by me building them improperly (I think). Unfortunately my Fedora VMs started encountering weird issues around that time and I just got one of them rebuilt over the weekend. I don't think I'll rebuild the RPMs for beta 10 since I'm fairly close to beta 11. In the meantime, you can use

    With respect to the DEBs, that is a different issue. The problem there is that some of the dependencies are considered different packages in newer versions of Ubuntu, rather than newer versions of older packages. For example, OpenCV3 doesn't appear as a newer version of OpenCV2, but rather it seems like a separate package. As far as I can tell, there isn't any good way to code around that, but I'm splitting off some of these things into seaparte plugins that should allow for easier installation in future releasese.

    In the meantime, either of these issues can be addressesd by downloading the tar.gz version. There is an script that will copy things to the proper directories and allow you to run.

    I'm going to close this issue since it is a duplicate of


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