
#66 Neuros does not handle errors well

Other (33)

Anytime there is an error while sync'ing tracks, be it
an unusable filename or an empty track, missing track,
etc, NeurosDBM just stops dead and waits for input.

This is a killer when syncing hundreds of tracks while
not wanting to baby-sit the computer.

Behavior that needs adjustment during file sync:

1) If a track is stumbled upon that NeurosDBM can't
handle because of weird characters, just skip the
track, log it, and keep synchronizing. That way if you
have 1000 tracks queued at 12am and start syncing, you
don't come down at 8am to find it stopped a few minutes
after the sync was started, wasting hours of good sync

2) The log of skipped files should be presented to the
user on the screen as a notification but -also- be
added to a log file for later examination.

3) Better pattern matching should be used. NeurosDBM
should be able to sync any character that the local
system can read.

4) However, if it isn't able to sync a file due to
characters, empty size, etc, that should be determined
and noted when NeurosDBM scans the tracks after
selecting tracks to add, not after starting the Sync

5) When possible, offer to interactively rename any bad

6) Explain a bit better why a track couldn't be loaded
... a bad filename does not mean the track could not be



  • Sean Starkey

    Sean Starkey - 2003-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    This is a good idea, and I had some plans for this. Your
    description of a possible solution is great!

  • Sean Starkey

    Sean Starkey - 2003-09-21
    • labels: --> Other
    • milestone: --> 2_-_Normal
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Sean Starkey

    Sean Starkey - 2003-09-30
    • assigned_to: nobody --> sstarkey
  • Sean Starkey

    Sean Starkey - 2003-10-12
    • assigned_to: sstarkey --> nobody

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