

Brady Mathis

Neuron EHR Tool Kit

Neuron is an open source EHR Tool Kit project sponsored by Roberts-Hoffman Software. The Neuron system specializes in enhancing EHR systems to improve data quality and facilitate better communication.

Download the latest package

Try it now!

If you are looking for the quickest way to try out the Neuron system, use our step-by-step [Neuron Installation Guide]. The guide will walk you through downloading all the required components, installing and configuring the environment, and deploying the application.

If you just want to see what the system looks like, you can take the Neuron EHR Quick Tour on YouTube.

Get started

For End-Users and Clinical Professionals

If you have a Neuron instance running and need some help to get started, or if you want know more about the application layout and information organization, then visit the [User Guides] page for an overview of the basics. You can find information about how to manage [Application Security] as well as guides for some of our included clinical modules.

For Technical Users and Developers

If you want to create your own instance of the Neuron EHR Tool Kit, take a look at the [Neuron Installation Guide], which will walk you through the basics of downloading components and deploying the Neuron plugins. If you are ready to start creating your own solutions with Neuron, make sure to check out the [Neuron Development Guide] and our other [Technical Guides]. You can also browse the [List of Plugins] included in the package.


What's happening in the Neuron Health project right now? Take a look at the [Neuron Project Roadmap] for more information on where we are heading. Also, information about historical releases can be found on the [Neuron Releases] page.

Get help

Are you stuck? Get help from the community on the Forum. As a courtesy to the engineering team, remember to search the forum for answers before posting. :)

Even more!

Are you ready to do more with Neuron? Configure a production-caliber instance of Neuron, exchange HL7 messages with Mirth channel templates, perform advanced configuration, get training and development help, and more! Contact Roberts-Hoffman Software find out how you can make the most of Neuron.

Project Members:


Wiki: Application Security
Wiki: List of Plugins
Wiki: Neuron Development Guide
Wiki: Neuron Installation Guide
Wiki: Neuron Project Roadmap
Wiki: Neuron Releases
Wiki: Technical Guides
Wiki: User Guides