
Tetrahedral Format

  • Gavin

    Gavin - 2016-04-17

    Hi, i wanted to know if the surfaces and the volume are related? Which mean that their nodes are linked to each other. Other than that, how do i know which one is the first node for each tetrahedral elements. Lastly, what are the properties of edgesegments?

  • chuyi

    chuyi - 2016-05-18

    I think surfaces are outter facets of tetra. For example, one tetra has 4 facets, if a facet is also the facet of another tetra, then it is a inner facet and don't belong to surafces. You can get surfaces by analyzing volume data by yourself, instead of using surfaces data directly.

    A tetra has 4 nodes, every 3 nodes represent a facet, and the node sequence makes no sense, so you don't need to kown which is the first node. Similarly edges of tetra also make no sense.


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