
changes in netgen from 4.5 to 4.9.12?

  • Christophe Trophime

    I would like to know what are the changes in netgen from 4.5 to 4.9.12.
    I am interested in installing latest netgen as a plugin for Salome and Gmsh
    both of them are using nglib::NgAddOn*. What is the "equivalent" in 4.9.12?

    Thanks for your work.
    C. Trophime

  • Philippose Rajan

    Hello Trophime,

    As far as I know, the version of Netgen and Nglib used within Salome and Gmsh are not the same as the original nglib distributed by the Netgen Mesher project. They have been modified by the respective developers to be able to incorporate them into the respective top-level codes….

    I am quite sure that the function that you refer to "nglib::NgAddOn" never existed in the original Nglib distribution. Also, Nglib does not use its own Namespace "nglib"….

    I guess you will have to discuss with the developers of Salome and/or Gmsh, about upgrading to the latest version of Netgen / Nglib



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