
Problem with GUI display

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Dear Netgen group:

    all necessary copy and compilation work under windows platform have already been done. However, when I start the program (ngsolve.exe), the following information comes and the GUI is not displayed properly (The menu items are missing)

    Problem in Tcl_Init:
    Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:

    This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

    Problem in Tk_Init:
    invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"
    Problem in Tix_Init:

    optfile ng.opt does not exist - using default values

    what should I do then? Thanks.


    • Philippose Rajan

      Hello Yi,

      Great to hear that you could compile Ngsolve successfully on the Windows platform.

      It looks like you have not set up the paths to the Tcl installation correctly. Does the following folder exist on your system:


      If it does exist, you should have a file called "init.tcl" in that folder.

      The other reason could be, that you compiled Netgen/NGSolve with Tcl 8.5, but the paths have been set-up to access an installation of Tcl 8.4...

      When you compiled Netgen/NGSolve, what was the path you used, for the Tcl/Tk include and library files?

      Hope this helps... if not... let me know...

      Have a great evening!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Philippose,

      thank you very much for your help. I have found tcl8.4 in the folder "C:\Programme\EnthoughtPython24\tcl\tcl8.4", not in "C:\Programme\EnthoughtPython24\lib\tcl8.4". But at least it exists and the "init.tcl" is there. So ...?

      Best regards,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Philippose,

      ... one more thing ... during the installation and compilation I followed the instruction of and hence unziped the to mingw (installed together with codeblocks) folder. This includes an "init.tcl" in the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\tcl8.4". Could you tell me what to do then, how to set up the path for tcl?


    • Philippose Rajan

      Hello again Yi,

      A Good Evening to you :-)!

      Soo... lets get into the issue step by step...

      First question.... did you try using the Binary releases of Netgen/NGSolve, or did you actually download the source files and compile Netgen/NGSolve on your local machine?

      If you compiled Netgen/NGSolve from the source code on your computer, I assume the following are true:

      1. You compiled Netgen and NGSolve on the Windows Platform using Codeblocks and MinGW

      2. During the compile process, since Netgen requires Tcl/Tk, Tix and Togl, you unzipped the files:
          c. And also

          into the MinGW folder as you mentioned in your last post.

      3. Now, when you compiled the code in CodeBlocks, the include and library files for Tcl, Tk, Tix and Togl were obtained from the folder:
         C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\

         The include files from: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include
         and the "lib" files from: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\tcl8.4


      4. After compiling the code, when you tried to run Netgen, it failed with the error you posted in your first post.

      5. Now.... In the folder: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin" folder, you should see the following DLL files:
          a. tcl84.dll
          b. tk84.dll

          and in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\tcl8.4" folder, as you said, you have the "init.tcl" file.

          If thats true, then you can move on to the next step.... if you dont find those files there... then we have a slightly larger problem :-)!

      5. To me it looks like somewhere in your Windows PATH environment variable, you are pointing to the wrong folder for Tcl... you seem to have more than two installations of Tcl on your computer, and they seem to be conflicting with one another....

          What you need to do is, to go to the Windows Control Panel, and click on the "System" icon.... there, under "Advanced", you should see a button for "Environment Variables".... once you go into that, you will see two windows... one for the environment variables for the current user, and the lower window for the global environment variables.

          If either your local environment variables or the global variables has a variable: "PATH", then you need to see if there is a reference to a path in these variables, which points to the wrong location....."C:/PROGRA~3/ENTHOU~1/lib/tcl8.4"

          If that exists, remove that, and replace it with the path:
          "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin"

          In all probabilities, this path will already be present in the PATH variable, in which case, you only need to remove the wrong one....

          Also check to see if there are any global variables which look like "TCL_LIBPATH" or "TCL_LIBRARY", etc...etc.... if any of them are pointing to the path: "C:/PROGRA~3/ENTHOU~1/lib/tcl8.4", then remove them too..... (unless you are using all those other TCL installations for something else....)


         In all probabilities, this should work... :-)!

         Let me know if there is still some issue.....

         Have a great day!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello again Philippose,

      thanks a lot for your fruitful instruction. The problem has been solved after I reseted the system path variable.

      By the way, is netgen/ngsolver also available in Mac system? If yes, could you give me some instruction how to install netgen/ngsolver under Mac system. Thanks.

      Best regards,

    • Philippose Rajan

      Hello yet again Yi,

      A Good Day to you !!

      Great to hear that you got the system working in Windows :-)! Its always nice to hear a success story :-)! I guess you should also see if you really need all those various versions of Tcl/Tk on your computer, and remove all the redundant ones to prevent problems in the future...

      As for your question about Netgen/NGSolve on a Mac... yes... I know it has been successfully compiled and used on a Mac.... however, since I have never really used a Mac (other than a demo at a shop), I will not be able to personally give you more details....

      As far as I know, it should work on the Darwin/X11 (Unix facet of a Mac) in pretty much the same way as you would compile on a normal Linux system... it does not work on Aqua yet ( The Windows facet of a Mac ?).

      You will have to download the latest sources from the SVN (Click on "More" on the tab right at the top of this page, and follow the links under the "Code" drop-down box), and compile from sources....

      The Autotools configuration should work transparently also in the case of a Mac (compile instructions for Linux and Windows are given in the Wiki..... again... after clicking on the "More" link... go to the Wiki... HomePage link)

      Hope this helps....

      If you have an issue, we will have to wait till Joachim Schoeberl (The main developer of this project) gets some free time to answer this question.... I shall make him aware of your request....

      Have a nice day :-)!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Philippose,

      thanks a lot to your instructions. I will first try it out by myself. If I got problems, maybe I will come back again :).

      Have a nice weekend



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