
#70 Add Extreme/Motorola/Symbol Wireless Management (WiNG) MIBS

Don Greer

Per your request, here are the MIBS for the Extreme/Moto/Symbol wireless managers.

1 Attachments


  • Jeroen van Ingen

    Still working on this... most relevant are WS-SMI and WING-MIB. Not sure where to place them though, with the Extreme MIBs or in a separate Motorola directory.

    Could you provide some background on the relation between the products these MIBs are for and the Extreme products?

    • Don Greer

      Don Greer - 2014-03-24

      The WS-SMI and WING-MIB should go into a Motorola directory. The
      equipment is a rebadged Motorola system (which was originally a Symbol
      system, but I think Moto removed most references to Symbol after they
      bought the company). This equipment is also rebadged for a couple other
      manufacturers as well, so placing it in a Moto directory probably makes the
      most since.

      Anyone who works with this stuff should know to look in the motorola
      stuff because, at least from the Extreme POV, there's not a lot of detailed
      docs without getting into the Moto WiNG documentation directly.

      Hope that helps!

      On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Jeroen van Ingen jeroenvi@users.sf.netwrote:

      Still working on this... most relevant are WS-SMI and WING-MIB. Not sure
      where to place them though, with the Extreme MIBs or in a separate Motorola

      Could you provide some background on the relation between the products
      these MIBs are for and the Extreme products?

      Status: new
      Created: Thu Mar 06, 2014 04:28 PM UTC by Don Greer
      Last Updated: Thu Mar 06, 2014 04:28 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Per your request, here are the MIBS for the Extreme/Moto/Symbol wireless

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  • Oliver Gorwits

    Oliver Gorwits - 2014-03-27

    Ticket moved from /p/netdisco/netdisco2/95/

  • Jeroen van Ingen

    MIBs had a few compile errors; fixed, now included in netdisco-mibs repository.

  • Jeroen van Ingen

    • status: new --> closed
    • Group: --> feature
    • Priority: --> 5
  • Jeroen van Ingen

    WING-MIB and WS-SMI slightly fixed and added to repository.