
NetCraft - network real time strategy / News: Recent posts

New idea of pictures

I've decided to make simple units pictures now and then look how does it work. I'll make some preview in a week.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2002-01-10


I'm back and I'm continuing development of NetCraft. Any ideas are welcome

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2002-01-08


I'm out for three weeks, so I'll be unaviable. But project is still valid! Still you can send me mail, but I'll answer on 7.2002. See you!

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-19

New version and Allegro problems

I'm uploading new version right now. It works with Allegro v4.0.0 and it has got some bugfixes.
But there is one problem. It can be bug in allegro or in NetCraft, I don't know. Everything is functional, but it may crash when closing map in mapeditor.
I'm talking with Allegro team and we'll see what will happen. Enjoy new version (improved backgrounds!)

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-13


Allegro v4.0.0 can be used by NetCraft without using hacked version of it. NetCraft will be updated to use Allegro v4.0.0 in few days (1-2), I'll upload it after bugfixes in tile placing algorithm and movement.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-12

My e-mail adress is not valid for a while

Because is down for a while (there is info on the site, that they are down till yesterday!), so you can contact me at <>

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-11

Gallery is functional

I've just uploaded new pictures to gallery. New units (3 of them) are aviable there. I'll try to upload new pictures as soon as they will appear in project.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-10

New logo

New logo is aviable on web page. Take a look

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-10

Version 0.3 is ready

Yes it is, but I got floppy disk error (A$@$^%@#$) and I must return home and get new floppy with netcraft. Maybe it will be ready today.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-12-07

Tanks are aviable!

In new version there are tanks and rocket tanks. Soon aviable in gallery.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-11-13

New world docs

Check out our web page to see new world documentation. It contains also some units specification.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-29

Mapedit specification

It's aviable list at of mapedit todo. It's for developers who want to work around mapedit.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-25


I've fixed bug in last release and mapedit compiles now. Sorry

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-22

Just a new version

Which contains - terrible bug fixed, some parts of user interface and broadcasting over the local network. Impressive!

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-20

TODO list for coders is aviable

On our web page. Right now only in text format. See

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-18

Here it comes.... New web page!

I've just uploaded new webpage. Made by hands is not very beatidull, but I hope it's at least readable (I tried to avoid making black-on-black page). If someone wants to make it better please contact me.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-16

First release

I have some problems uploading web page, but first release of project is ready and awaiting for download. There are many functions not included in program running, but aviable and will be included as soon as they become fully-functional.

Posted by Maciek Fijalkowski 2001-10-16