
#543 Spotlight cannot search in user homes


Spotlight cannot search in user homes.
After executing the following commands, I succeeded in search from OS X.

$ su
# emacs .tracker_profile
# cat .tracker_profile
export XDG_DATA_HOME="$PREFIX/var/netatalk/"
export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$PREFIX/var/netatalk/"
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=$PREFIX/var/netatalk/spotlight.ipc"
# . .tracker_profile
# tracker-control -S
# tracker-control -t
# tracker-control -s
# tracker-control -f ~username
# tracker-info ~username

In case of user home, indexing looks imperfect.

General volume can be searched.

Ubuntu 13.10
Netatalk 3.1.0


  •  HAT

    HAT - 2014-01-10

    It became impossible to search a user home, again!
    The following logs are seen when searching.

    Jan 10 20:45:29.948598 afpd[7749] {spotlight.c:554} (W:Spotlight): Closing active query
    Jan 10 20:45:31.690789 afpd[7749] {spotlight.c:554} (W:Spotlight): Closing active query
    Jan 10 20:45:32.438379 afpd[7749] {spotlight.c:554} (W:Spotlight): Closing active query
    Jan 10 20:45:35.757947 afpd[7749] {spotlight.c:554} (W:Spotlight): Closing active query

    I was able to search after reindexing.

    # tracker-control -f ~hat
  •  HAT

    HAT - 2014-03-28

    When netatalk(8) starts, it sets up paths for spotlight.
    Since user has not logged in yet, nobody sets up home's path.

    I wrote a workaround patch.

  • Ralph Böhme

    Ralph Böhme - 2014-05-20

    The proposed patch doesn't cut it and needs more thinking. It only does a one time crawl and indexing, but doesn't configure Tracker to monitor paths for filesystem activity.

  •  HAT

    HAT - 2014-05-20

    Since I do not understand the spec of Tracker, I cannot write a better patch.
    Is it difficult?

  • Ralph Böhme

    Ralph Böhme - 2014-05-20

    For someone very familiar with the Netatalk code and Tracker possibly half a day or more for getting in right, it might even not be doable at all in a sensible way that works across all use cases, not sure.

  •  HAT

    HAT - 2014-05-21

    I cannot understand what is a problem.
    I have always succeeded in search.
    Immediately after creating a text file on server, I can discover it from client.
    Tracker seems to always watch my home directory.

  •  HAT

    HAT - 2014-08-07

    workaround patch for netatalk 3.1.4

  •  HAT

    HAT - 2014-08-12

    workaround patch for netatalk 3.1.5

  • JM

    JM - 2015-09-30

    I guess the but still exists in netatalk 3.1.7?

  •  HAT

    HAT - 2015-10-26

    My patch wouldn't be adopted forever.


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