
[build]--Do I have to build in BC++ Explore

Wu Xuan
  • Wu Xuan

    Wu Xuan - 2007-08-17

    Hi all,

    I've been trying to download a copy of Borland C++ Explore but failed so far. Is there other ways to build the source in the bundle?

    I'm new to C++ and not familiar with c++ IDEs. Thanks for any advice!


    • Saulius

      Saulius - 2007-08-18

      Hi Xuan,

      Borland Turbo C++ 2006 Explorer environment is available for free download here:
      What problems are you having? You cannot download? Or you cannot install the environment? I downloaded and installed it from the link above without problems.
      In addition, you can use Borland C++ Builder 6 (an older, paid, more stable version) for compiling the code in Originalcode directory on CVS.
      Zotric is porting the program to QT, after he is done with that, the project should support even wider range of C++ environments.


    • Wu Xuan

      Wu Xuan - 2007-08-18

      Thanks for replying.

      I just downloaded successfully. Now I've built successfully a debug version. ^-^

      Strangely, when I debug in BTC 2006, the environment hangs from time to time with no response, and I have to restart the environment, which make it even harder to understand the code fast. I wonder if you have experienced such problems?

    • DavidG

      DavidG - 2007-08-19

      Hi Wu Xuan

      I have exactly the same problem with BTC 2006.  It often hangs for ages and frequently it crashes when debugging.

      Also I have found it doe not always build correctly (can't rule out a program bug though).
      One tip is always to do "Make All Projects"
      Another is to ensure that the build configuration is actually using the debug project. BTC 2006 sometimes seems to forget what it's doing.

      The QT port is being done using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.  It is going slower than hoped (but not entirely against expectations!).
      It should be ready within the next couple of weeks but I have been saying that for some time.

      The basic code does work corrcetly under Studio 2005 / qt so I'm confident.  The main issue now is getting the pixel editor to work and this is quite hard as I have used the (very good) qt Designer but my original GUI architecture does not allow me to pick up the mouse events.

      In order to use the qt version when and as delivered you will need Visual Studio 2005 and QT 4.3.  Getting qt may involve downloading and compiling it for Visual Studio.  For this I think you use the VC++ compiler (another plus point) There is also a patch available that enables it to generate Studio 2005 projects. 

      I suggest learning the basics of C++ before attempting to do anything with this code.  Something like SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 24 hours would probably be good.

      Logically it would make sense to get C++ and qt up and running, learn some C++ and write a few simple qt applications before trying to investigate Neocortex.
      It should also work with BTC 2006 (although you would need new IDE project files) and maybe the problems with BTC 2006 can be fixed. has somelinks and a bit of description that may help.
      Also it has a class model of the qt version generated using Sparx Enterprise Architect with a plugin for C++/Studio.


      • DavidG

        DavidG - 2007-09-20

        That should have been!
        There is now a version of Neocortex in the source tree that will build and run under Windows XP SP2 with QT.
        The program functionality is unchanged it's just a port of the GUI.
        The intention is to separate the GUI completely from HTM functionality.
        I think the following Wiki has good information on qt, where to get it and how to install it:

        A Linux version should be ready soon. So far I have tested this with Suse Linux 10.1 using QT 4 running in parallel with qt3. The C++ code is the same on Windows and Linux although I had to change a couple of things to make it work on both.  (There are no #ifdefs at the moment)
        I plan to test with Suse Linux 10.2 when I receive and install a copy of it. I'll probably be doing this using VMWare so there may be a 'short delay'!


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