NEdit should be able to store the layout of open NEdit windows and the tabs in each window including all settings (per tab / per window) like window size & position, cursor positions in each pane of a tab of each window, the size of each pane of a tab and the number of panes per tab, etc. in a text file, so that a session can be restored from such a "session file" when the editor is started again another time or even at any time by a menu entry in the File menu ("Save session..." and "Restore session..."). The user should be able to choose a session file that shall be restored, which is either directly provided as a command line argumet or interactively chosen from a dialog.
This feature could be implemented as an NEdit macro, if a macro function were available which would provide all necessary information about the window contents, and other corresponding macro functions to set all the geathered information back when a session is restored, but currently not all pieces of information that can be geathered can also be restored (e.g. size of a pane when a window is split cannot be restored via macro function!)
Also a macro function to let the user choose a filename where to save the session information is missing, but I already entered a feature request for such a function
(Request IDs #2013218, #2013258)