nedit has nearly all the features an editor should
have, except maybe one feature I know from Xedit (a
VM/ESA editor):
When searching for strings, Xedit shows (or can be
configured to show) only those lines that contain the
search pattern. The user can then edit those lines,
using all the other editing functions.
Example: in a long text, I would like to search and
replace a substring of a word. With the new feature, I
would see only those lines that contain the pattern and
therefore would not have to scroll through the whole
document to search for those words that I would not
want to change. Or I could search for lines that
contain a certain function and then be able to perform
a search and replace on other substrings of the
displayed lines only. Or shift those lines to the right
or left.
The "Highlight all" feature from Firefox 1.5 would be a
perfect complement.
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NEdit has a feature called rangesets. With that one can mark all lines containing a search pattern and it is also possible to restrict replacements to these ranges then. The "Highlight All" feature can also be done with rangesets.