
#537 sh syntax hilighting: " ignored in $("$())

Program (402)

In code like this, the " is being ignored:
$( "$( ) )

Same with $(()) instead of $(). This looks bad after
constructs like these, which I use often:
echo "$( foo "$( cat "$file" )" )"

My workaround: I use backticks for the inner $():
echo "$( foo "` cat "$file" `" )"

NEdit 5.5
Sep 30, 2004

Built on: Linux, Athlon, GNU C
Built at: Feb 20 2005, 02:40:10
With Motif: 2.2.3 [@(#)Motif Version 2.2.3]
Running Motif: 2.2 [unknown]
Server: The X.Org Foundation 70000000
Visual: 24-bit TrueColor (ID 0x23, Default)
Locale: de_DE@euro


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  • Alex Schuster

    Alex Schuster - 2006-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    The same effect as in my previous attachement
    nedit-hilight-bug.png. After the $( "()" ) construct, text
    is hilighted green.

  • Thorsten Haude

    Thorsten Haude - 2006-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    I don't see a problem, sorry.

  • Alex Schuster

    Alex Schuster - 2006-09-28

    Logged In: YES

    I made two more snapshots of the text below. The first was
    with my default NEdit (I removed my ~/.nedit directory),
    the second was made after applying your latest .pats file.

    Personally, I do not care much about this and use backticks
    as a workaround, I just thought I'd mention the problem
    with line 3.

    $( "` `" ) # this is okay
    $( "$()" ) # the 2nd " starts hilighting (fixed)
    $( " ()" ) # the 2nd " starts hilighting

    $( "$( "$()" )" ) # adding another level
    "$( "$( "$()" )" )" # adding two "s
    "`"`"`"``"`"`"`" # backticks are no problem

  • Alex Schuster

    Alex Schuster - 2006-09-28

    my original NEdit

  • Alex Schuster

    Alex Schuster - 2006-09-28

    NEdit with Sh_Ksh_Bash.2.3.5.pats applied

  • Thorsten Haude

    Thorsten Haude - 2006-09-29

    Logged In: YES

    All lines look fine here (though the last makes me dizzy).
    Also, if I take a closer look I see exactly what I expect:
    The first " in line 3 starts an ncs double quoted string
    pattern, the second " ends it.

    I can't see a reason why this is different in your shots
    except for a broken setup. Please double-check the pattern
    set and any corruption which might have happened. You might
    want to use a macro like this:

    define getPatternInfo
    if ($n_args != 1)
    # Wrong number of arguments
    position = $1

    patternInfo = get_pattern_at_pos(position)
    styleInfo = get_style_at_pos(position)

    result = "Pattern Info for Postition " position ":\n\n" \
    "Pattern: " patternInfo["pattern"] "\n" \
    "Style: " patternInfo["style"] "\n" \
    "Color: " styleInfo["color"] "\n" \
    "RGB Values: " styleInfo["rgb"] "\n" \
    "Bold: " styleInfo["bold"] "\n" \
    "Italic: " styleInfo["italic"] "\n" \
    "Background: " styleInfo["background"] "\n" \
    "Background RGB: " styleInfo["back_rgb"]
    dialog(result, "OK")
    (Watch line breaks done by SourceForge.)

  • Thorsten Haude

    Thorsten Haude - 2006-09-29

    Logged In: YES

    I see nedit-pats2.3.5.png if I go back to
    Sh_Ksh_Bash.2.3.2.pats. One diff between 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 is
    the addition of ncs double quoted string, so my guess is
    that you use 2.3.2 or something older.

  • Thorsten Haude

    Thorsten Haude - 2006-09-29

    Logged In: YES

    Note: You can see the version number of the pattern set in
    the README pattern in the Syntax Highlighting Patterns
    dialog. If you pick the right language mode for both the
    document and in this dialog this should be what you actually
    use, regardless of what you imported or not.

  • Alex Schuster

    Alex Schuster - 2006-10-15

    Logged In: YES

    SORRY! You are right, I had the wrong pattern file. I
    somehow renamed it, so the last two files were the same.
    Damn, I feel stupid. All seems to be fine now, even with
    more complex patterns.

    Sorry for taking your time.

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