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Showing 21 results of 21

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
52 VS macros not interpreted None open 2011-08-05 2011-08-05 5  
51 Doc XML with & throws an exception None open 2011-05-17 2011-05-17 5  
50 CMicroParser.dll throws exception None open 2011-05-17 2011-05-17 5  
49 ExternalXmlSummaryCache.GetSummary breaks with null types None open 2011-04-03 2011-04-03 9  
48 SdkVersion not saved to project file None open 2011-01-30 2011-01-30 5  
47 Wrong method name displayed for methods of generic classes None open 2011-01-15 2011-01-15 5  
46 Preliminary message do not show for "plural" pages None open 2011-01-15 2011-01-15 5  
45 Generates broken link to method of generic base class None open 2011-01-15 2011-01-15 5  
44 Support for <typeparam> and <typeparamref> tags? None open 2011-01-11 2011-01-11 5  
43 Unable to find the HTML Help Compiler on x64 None open 2010-10-27 2010-10-27 5  
42 Functions show as Sub in VB.NET code declarations None open 2010-10-02 2010-10-02 5  
41 Bug in log None open-accepted Xharze 2010-07-16 2010-07-16 5  
39 Summary for SDK generics fail if argument are a typeparam None open-accepted Xharze 2010-04-29 2010-04-29 5  
38 <see> are resolved incorrectly for generics None open-accepted Xharze 2010-04-29 2010-04-29 5  
35 NDoc3.Core.DocumenterException: PathTooLongException None open-accepted 2010-03-17 2010-03-22 5  
33 nullable method params problem None open-fixed Xharze 2010-01-29 2012-05-14 5  
30 Period character in intermediate html files causes problems None open-accepted 2009-10-12 2010-03-29 5  
24 Ampersand in namespace summeries throws error when building None open-later 2009-09-17 2009-10-07 1  
23 DocumenterExceptions don't show full stack trace None open-accepted Xharze 2009-09-07 2009-10-07 1  
11 Attributes are not documented properly None open-later 2008-11-16 2010-03-29 1  
9 Online SDK links to generics None open-accepted 2008-11-07 2009-10-07 5  
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