
ndiswrapper, rt2500usb & _x64

  • yellowdognerd

    yellowdognerd - 2005-08-22


    I know this is not an ndiswrapper problem, but I thought somebody might have some suggestions....

    I have installed ndiswrapper (x64 version) on a 64-bit FC4 machine. Everything has gone well; I am using the 64-bit drivers from Ralink for my Linksys WUSB54G adapter. However, when I get to the

    modprobe ndiswrapper

    step, I get an error in my dmesg saying that the driver is not 64-bit. I've checked twice to make sure I actually downloaded the 64-bit driver, and it still doesn't work.

    Any suggestions?


    • yellowdognerd

      yellowdognerd - 2005-08-24

      Hi, Pigiri,

      Thanks so much for this information... although it was not what I wanted to hear <grin>....


    • paupla

      paupla - 2005-08-23

      Hi Liz,

      what says "ndiswrapper -l"?

      Have you compiled the newest ndiswrapper-1.3 (or 1.2) from source?

      Sopme more information of what you did and what system gavwe back would be helpful.


    • yellowdognerd

      yellowdognerd - 2005-08-23

      ndiswrapper -l

      lists the rt2500 usb driver.

      Yes, I compiled the 1.2 version of ndiswrapper.


    • Giridhar Pemmasani

      If you did install 64 bit driver, it is likely you have both 32 bit and 64 bit drivers installed. Remove /etc/ndiswrapper directory and install just 64 bit version.

      However, it is unlikely 64 bit driver will work - no USB driver is known to work as yet. Unless you can dig into the code and find the issues, you may not have much success with it right now.

      BTW, there were some serious performance issues with 32 bit rt2500 driver, which are resolved in the latest snapshot/cvs. Wait for 1.3rc2 before trying that.


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