
Can't detect hardware

  • Zzz

    Zzz - 2005-11-16

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to install a Belkin FSD7050 wireless USB network adapter on a clean installation of Fedora Core 4 using ndiswrapper. I've got ndiswrapper installed and working:

    logged in as su - (whoami == root)
    downloaded ndiswrapper-1.5.tar.gz, uncompressed

    make clean


    make install

    The Wiki entry list says to use the Windows drivers, so I grab the Belkin .inf & .sys files from the CD, then...

    ndiswrapper -i rt2500usb.inf

    ndiswrapper -l

    which gives the output:
    Installed ndis drivers:
    rt2500usb driver present

    No mention of hardware, and no light on the device. However, it looks good in the system log file:

    <datetime> localhost kernel: wlan(0): ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:11:50:8a:90:2e using driver rt3500usb, 050D:7050.0.conf

    Though there are a ton of error messages:
    <datetime> localhost kernel:ndiswrapper (wrap_reset_pipe:786):resetting pipe 3 failed:-71

    Oh well, I continue on...

    depmod -a

    modprobe ndiswrapper

    I'm a newbie to Linux, so I can only come up with the following ideas for what's wrong:

    1. Incorrect ndiswrapper installation (the only error message is about the 4K stack)
    2. Problem with the USB port (ruled out since a USB keyboard works in the same slot)
    3. There's a problem with the wireless LAN adapter.

    Any ideas much appreciated. I'm using USB ports on the front panel of a Cubid 2699 case connected to an Epia M10000 board.

    • Zzz

      Zzz - 2005-11-20

      No, the XP machine is on a separate router that was using WEP encryption but not MAC access control. However, after someone showed me recently how to hack a 128-bit WEP key in under an hour, I'll probably enable it there too...

    • Giridhar Pemmasani

      Try 1.6rc1 instead of 1.5.

    • Zzz

      Zzz - 2005-11-17

      Tried 1.6rc1, still no response. It seems like the driver installs fine and shows up on iwlist, but the device never lights up and iwconfig shows signal strength as zero.

      I tried the device on an XP setup and it's fine, so it's not the device. Any more ideas much appreciated!

    • Giridhar Pemmasani

      Read Wiki, especially Troubleshooting, and submit relevant information to identify the issue.

    • Zzz

      Zzz - 2005-11-19

      Have fixed the problem: needed to register the MAC address of the device on my wireless router's access control list. The light on the device only comes on for traffic, not simply when it's active. Am now feeling very sheepish...

      Giridhar - many thanks for your help.

      All others: check your router config to make sure the problem isn't there.

      • Marius Mikučionis

        if the problem was MAC address and you said that on Windows XP it worked but not on Linux, does it imply that you were changing the MAC on Linux??


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