

  • Rorik Peterson

    Rorik Peterson - 2002-08-21

    13. Have ./configure dump diagnostic information (i.e, last 10 lines of when ./configure _fails_

    I'm not sure what you mean here.  I'm somewhat surprised if the actual script fails.  I run any new version of configure before I upload it, and 'sh' grammar is pretty stable.  It does happen if you change with an unrecognized macro and reprocess with autoconf, however.

    configure will exit at some points if a certain condition is met.  For example, if it cannot link with libnetcf, it prints an error and stops.  configure is not failing, it is suppose to do this.  I can remove all these stops and just issue warnings for now if that helps in debugging.  I put in stops because warnings can go flying by on fast machines as configure continues, and unless you scroll back and look at the output, you don't know where critical things failed.  For example, not linking with libnetcdf is critical; not finding the libraries for HDF5 support is not.

    Printing the last 10 lines of is irrelevant since autoconf actually reorganizes a lot of things in configure when it processes   So there is no direct correlation between locations in the two files.

    I think config.log is the best source of debugging information.


    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2002-08-21

      I just tried AIX and IRIX builds with your latest
      autotools implementations and now the ./configure
      script is running more or less to completion.
      Before it wasn't and I wanted more diagnostics on
      why it was failing. I did not know about config.log,
      which contains everything I wanted to know.
      So TODO 13 is resolved.

      Would it be helpful if I made available (ftp or email)
      the config.log files for various architectures?
      AIX and IRIX still do not fully build, but they
      get much farther. I can also send the text output
      of ./configure if that would be helpful.



    • Rorik Peterson

      Rorik Peterson - 2002-08-21

      yeah, if you send me ( config.log for any failed build, I can try and figure out the problem.  It is a lot of trial and error at this point.



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