Charlie Zender - 2005-06-15


FYI I've added MD5 and SHA1 digests of nco.tar.gz to index.shtml:

MD5(nco.tar.gz)= ad414ab09c7b635735ee9b36fe9f9a5b
SHA1(nco.tar.gz)= e93037860d3070ea28294311896cd65f16328e8a

in response to

Hi Charlie,
I am inquiring about nco.  I am a sys admin & I have a user
that is wanting to use nco for netcdf builds on cygwin for a
windows platform.  Due to security requirements, I am
required to obtain a digital signature in the form of a MD5
checksum (hash), PGP, or RPM on a file before installing to
a system.  Can you provide me with a MD5 on nco.tar.gz?  The
file I have downloaded is from 
Thanks for your assistance.
Amanda Waltman

Maybe there is a better way of signing the tarball than
using SSI directives from the web page. Is it secure?
Suggestions welcome.
