
Charset encoding issue

  • Richard_on_SF

    Richard_on_SF - 2016-02-17

    Hi all,
    recently I installed NCIDD over OSMC on a Rpi1. The server work perfectly. My only issue is when it is overide from the alias file, with a characters with accent. Cidcall.log get their entries without those character.
    Any help would be appreciated.


    Last edit: Richard_on_SF 2016-02-18
  • John L. Chmielewski

    Hi Richard,

    I am not an expert by any means but I am thinking you did not set the locale
    in Raspi-config.

    Do you see the accent characters when you make entries in the alias file?

    If you cat the alias file are the accents still there?

  • Richard_on_SF

    Richard_on_SF - 2016-02-19

    Hi John,
    Osmc is a distro without raspi-config command. It is kept as little as possible for performance reason. I'm also trying to keep it as little as possible too. I already had to install a few extra, in order to get ncidd working but performance are still great over my little raspberry. KODI coexists beautifully with NCIDD on OSMC distribution. Besides, my little encoding worries, the rest works very well indeed.

    If I cat my alias file, I can see accents being present. They are only not render properly. If I open the same file over an other os (windows, debian and even raspbian), everything look the right way.

    So I'm looking for a light way to add a new charset without the need to add unnecessary stuff.

    Thx, Richard

  • Richard_on_SF

    Richard_on_SF - 2016-04-05

    I finally managed to change my encoding. Like you said John, it was related to locale. However, as OSMC is a minimalist distribution, Raspi-CONFIG is not present. I did it using sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales. NCID is now able to display the information correctly.

  • John L. Chmielewski

    Your solution should help other users with the same problem.


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