
Problems with Menu.txt

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm currently using a redhat 7.2 with perl 5.6.1...
    I now tried to use NaturalDocs in the latest version and i have the problem, that if there was already a Menu.txt it always tell me that it has been changed and that it will backup the Menu.txt. even if i didn't change anything! so but there will be also the problem, that if i want to change the menu.txt it will always overwrite my menu.txt... so what to to do...
    so that i could use the NaturalDocs on my Linux i had first to convert if with dos2unix, otherwise it didn't run... but i only changed the NaturalDocs file not any other... should i convert also the others?

    i didn't try older versions...

    • Greg Valure

      Greg Valure - 2004-07-05

      You shouldn't have needed to convert any of the files, they're in Unix format by default.  I downloaded another copy and verified this.  Perhaps your unzipping program changed them back?

      For Menu.txt, post one of your File: lines here, as well as all the Data: lines and the input directories you use in the command line with -i.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ok... problem solved...

      because i tried it also on WIN i extracted it on win and then copied the whole dir to my linux station... and then i had to convert it...

      but now i unmzipped the file on linux and now i didn't had to convert it and it also seems to work...

      thanx anyway

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      no sorry problem doesn't seem to be solved...

      i have now extracted ND on linux and if i start the script it does its job... but then if i restart the script (and i didn't change anything!), it still always tell me that the menu.txt has been changed or some files have been deleted. i'm sure that nothing has changed, because i'm running the script for the second time after it finished for the first time...

      maybe a note, but i don't think that this is important: i'm parsing a cvs-dir... so the files (the stuff is written in delphi) has the ending pas,v and i added this ending to the script (where the classes are created)... (['pas','pas,v'])

      the error is this one:

      NaturalDocs: warning: possible trashed menu

         Natural Docs has detected that a significant number file entries in the
         menu did not resolve to actual files.  A backup of your original menu file
         has been saved as


         - If you recently deleted a lot of files from your project, you can safely
           ignore this message.  They have been deleted from the menu as well.
         - If you recently rearranged your source tree, you may want to restore your
           menu from the backup and do a search and replace to preserve your layout.
           Otherwise the position of any moved files will be reset.
         - If neither of these is the case, you may have gotten the -i parameter
           wrong in the command line.  You should definitely restore the backup and
           try again, because otherwise every file in your menu will be reset.

      and a menu.txt looks like this, but it's also not working if i doesn't change anything and also if not one file has been changed:

      ##### Do not change or remove these lines. #####
      Format: 1.22
      Data: 1(fGcpNot3333GsIuHt39/6Huut3Luuo631eCGpfGH6)
      ##### You can edit below this point. #####

      # You can add a title and sub-title to your menu.
      # Just add "Title: [project name]" and "SubTitle: [subtitle]" lines here.

      # You can add a footer to your documentation.  Just add a
      # "Footer: [text]" line here.  If you want to add a copyright notice,
      # this would be the place to do it.

      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Cut and paste the lines below to change the order in which your files
      # appear on the menu.  Don't worry about adding or removing files, Natural
      # Docs will take care of that.
      # You can further organize the menu by grouping the entries.  Add a
      # "Group: [name] {" line to start a group, and add a "}" to end it.  Groups
      # can appear within each other.
      # You can add text and web links to the menu by adding "Text: [text]" and
      # "Link: [name] ([URL])" lines, respectively.
      # The formatting and comments are auto-generated, so don't worry about
      # neatness when editing the file.  Natural Docs will clean it up the next
      # time it is run.  When working with groups, just deal with the braces and
      # forget about the indentation and comments.
      # You can use this file on other computers even if they use different
      # directories.  As long as the command line points to the same source files,
      # Natural Docs will be able to correct the locations automatically.
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

      File: File1  (/export/cvsroot/Tools/File1.pas,v)
      File: File2  (/export/cvsroot/Tools/File2.pas,v)
      File: Introduction  (/export/cvsroot/Tools/Doc.txt,v)
      File: File3  (/export/cvsroot/Tools/File3.pas,v)

      Group: Indexes  {

         Index: Everything
         Class Index: Classes
         Constant Index: Constants
         File Index: Files
         Function Index: Functions
         Property Index: Properties
         Type Index: Types
         Variable Index: Variables
         }  # Group: Indexes

      • Greg Valure

        Greg Valure - 2004-07-06

        That explains it.  Natural Docs can't handle commas in file names.

        The format for a File: line could either be File: Title (name) or File: Title (no auto-title, name).  Commas are used for attributes.  Since it doesn't expect a comma in the actual file name, only part of it is read as the name, which results in the file not being found, which results in it being removed from the menu.  Since all file names with commas are removed, it triggers the warning.

        They are later added back on when it sees that there are source files not on the menu, creating a nice cycle that happens every time it's run, regardless of whether anything changed or not.

        Download patch 7 from SourceForge.  This will fix it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      and an other little note:

      i start it with: NaturalDocs -i /somedirs/Product -o /somedirs/Output/Product -p /somedirs/Product -r -q

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ok now works everything! thanx!

      sorry didn't see that there is apatch avaible for that...


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