
File: => sl in the menu

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have setup a new BaseType for SLang. It's extension is sl. Everything seems to be working great, except when I want to add a File comment, I do something like:

    % File:
    % This is a sample file comment

    In my menu, sl appears.clicking on it links me to the file, with it's functions, comments, etc... If I change to MyFile_sl then all works as expected, except that it's really not MyFile_sl but

    MyFile.c seems to work just fine, but not for my new mode.

    Thanks for any info,


    • Greg Valure

      Greg Valure - 2004-09-29

      Yeah, this is an issue I haven't gotten around to fixing yet. It happens when there's only one file in a menu group or if all the files in a group differ only by extension. It shouldn't have anything to do with it being .sl.

      I haven't fixed it yet because it's not trivial to do and I didn't think anybody would run into it in the real world. Why would you have a group for only one item? It makes another click necessary without shortening or organizing the menu in any way.

      If that's not the case and this is happening in a completely different set of circumstances, please post the menu group this file appears in so I can try to reproduce it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      That seems to be the problem. I only have 1 file in a group because I am starting the project from scratch and it is a module. Now I have added four other modules, and the list will continue to grow. I made a tree to store all the major categories, even though some were only one file at the time.


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