
#60 Detached parts are not vessels

7.0 beta
(Common) (17)

When running this NASSP simulation I noticed that
detached parts of the Saturn V, but also the EVA
astronauts and the LM descent stage after ascent and
the ascent stage after final jetisson are not appearing
in the F3 "vessel list". With one exception: The
interstage ring between the S1 and S2 stages does
appear as a vessel until it splashes in the Atlantic.

Would be nice to have this refocus capability, to see
the discarded stages or, for instance, to dump the
remaining fuel in the S4B through the engine (like it
has historically been done) to let it crash on the moon
or enter solar orbit.

It is possible to control the LM ascent stage after
jettison, which was also crashed on the moon to cause
an artificial moonquake to be recorded by the
seismometer left behind by the astronauts.

Would be nice to see it crash as well.

The same refocus capability also should make it
possible to let two astronauts walk on the moon.



  • Tschachim

    Tschachim - 2005-06-23

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, you right. It's quite easy to fix, just delete the
    EnableFocus = FALSE
    lines from the vessel config files, for example
    saturn5nasp.cfg, Saturn5_LEVA.cfg, sat5_LMPKD.cfg etc.

    I just wonder this line is in most of the vessel files,
    there seems to be no reason...

  • Swatch

    Swatch - 2006-06-12
    • milestone: --> 7.0 beta
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Swatch

    Swatch - 2006-06-12

    Logged In: YES

    MOstly fixed....with very few exceptions.

  • Thymo van Beers

    Thymo van Beers - 2022-01-14
    • Status: open-fixed --> closed-out-of-date