Activity for Napkin Look and Feel for Swing

  • Ken Arnold Ken Arnold posted a comment on ticket #15

    (a) Wow, a real bug report after all this time! (b) Seems an easy fix, though I'm not 100% convinced of the underlying bug's explanation. They could at least have required a non-null response, since I suspect lots of code never expected that. (c) I'd tend to leave the check in, but make it robust. Who knows, someone may run this on 1.5 again‽ I'll have to fire this up again. (d) I'm glad it works still! But I'm guessing there are new GUI things that need treatment, not that I've been following it....

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood posted a comment on ticket #15

    Incidentally, once patched, Napkin works great with per-monitor DPI support! Resizing as the scaling is changed or the app is dragged between monitors with different DPI levels & everything. :-)

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood created ticket #15

    Crash in constructor on JDK >= 9

  • Gerd Wagner Gerd Wagner created ticket #2

    Fixed NullPointer in constructor of net.sourceforge.napkinlaf.NapkinLookAndFeel()

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood modified a comment on ticket #14

    I’m curious what you’re using it for (as always, sometimes I think I should have made this postcardware :-) Appologies for the longer-than-postcard delay to reply :-) I found this Joel Spolsky article quite memorable (as they often are) to never make the UI look finished until the software behind it is finished: And that in turn sparked my memory for Napkin L&F. Others I work with have grown keen on using

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood posted a comment on ticket #14

    I’m curious what you’re using it for (as always, sometimes I think I should have made this postcardware :-) Appologies for the longer-than-postcard delay to reply :-) I found this Joel Spolsky article quite memorable (as they often are) to never make the UI look finished until the software behind it is finished: And that in turn sparked my memory for Napkin L&F. Others I work with have grown keen on using

  • Ken Arnold Ken Arnold posted a comment on ticket #14

    Well, huh. That’s interesting. I haven’t touched this code in a long time, you’d be welcome to take a stab at it, it might take me a while to get to it. I’m curious what you’re using it for (as always, sometimes I think I should have made this postcardware :-) On Jan 18, 2018, at 12:31 AM, ludarp wrote: [feature-requests:#14] Disabled effect draws back-buffer garbage Status: open Group: Next Release (example) Created: Thu...

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood created ticket #14

    Disabled effect draws back-buffer garbage

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood posted a comment on ticket #13

    Sigh, clearly using for the wiki was a bad idea, the wiki is gone and I...

  • Luke Usherwood Luke Usherwood posted a comment on ticket #13

    I think the top cause of this exception... Exception in thread "main" java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException:...

  • Dennis Lee Dennis Lee posted a comment on ticket #13

    Hmm. Haven't tried them. Anyway I've got the L&F loaded, and got the napkin background...

  • Ken Arnold Ken Arnold posted a comment on ticket #13

    Sigh, clearly using for the wiki was a bad idea, the wiki is gone and I...

  • Dennis Lee Dennis Lee posted a comment on ticket #13

    Probably yes. Also, the documentation is missing (wiki link is dead), so how do I...

  • Ken Arnold Ken Arnold posted a comment on ticket #13

    We haven't been doing so for a while, are you interested in taking a whack at it?...

  • Dennis Lee Dennis Lee posted a comment on ticket #13


  • Dennis Lee Dennis Lee created ticket #13

    Update for newer Java versions