
#12 more stable comregister for DLLs and OCXs


I find the com register/unregister API calls to be
unpredictable and easily broken. The best for me is to
simply use regsvr32.exe. The attached comregister task
source file contains an alternate version of
RegisterDllServer, called RegisterDllServer2, which
does things this way.


  • Gert Driesen

    Gert Driesen - 2004-12-14

    Logged In: YES

    The <comregister> task is working quite well for me, but if
    you can provide examples (repros) of bad behavior ....

  • Steven Campbell

    Steven Campbell - 2004-12-16

    Logged In: YES

    I am unable to provide examples, but I'll explain myself

    First, my own background on this subject...I wrote an
    auto-update program using the API calls, which worked ok,
    but sometimes seemed to fail to fully register some types.
    Worst of all, in some cases, the program managed to corrupt
    the Windows registry beyond repair. Now, even given that my
    program may have had bugs (I could not find any), the price
    of failure was very steep (operating systems needed to be

    Fast forward to the present. Using Nant, part of the build
    process unregisters and then re-registers a set of COM dlls.
    Only, sometimes, it does not work, and DLLs remain
    unregistered, or are not unregistered at all. As an
    experiment, without any other changes, I changed the
    register/unregister process to use regsrv32.exe. This
    resolved my problems completely.

    I strongly recommend that you apply the patch. In my
    opinion, you risk registry corruption by using the APIs.
    Occasional use may be ok, but continued use appears to cause

  • Ian MacLean

    Ian MacLean - 2004-12-17

    Logged In: YES

    ok -- well first of all they are not apis at all but simply
    a convention that com dlls export functions named:
    DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer. All we do is do a
    "GetprocAddress" on those entry points and call them. This
    is exactly what regsvr32 does as you can confirm by looking at:

    Now those entry points could conceivably be doing anything -
    any changes to the registry that result will be caused by
    the code in the com dll itself that does registry
    modification - not the calling application.

    I don't see how the call to an entry point itself could be
    corrupting the registry.

    Now if you could produce a sample that demonstrates the
    not-registering behaviour that would be great. I'm
    disinclined to change the code spawn an external process if
    we don't know for sure what the issue is.

    note that we did have an issue previously where the com dll
    wasn't unloaded cleanly after the DllRegisterDll call and so
    it remained locked when another task tried to delete it or
    UnRegister it. That seems different to your issue though.

  • Steven Campbell

    Steven Campbell - 2004-12-17

    Logged In: YES

    Perhaps this is the same issue as was fixed? Does 0.85 RC1
    contain the fix? In any case, I'll make it clear that at no
    point has the comregister task corrupted my registry - that
    was a separate issue which I offered as a background to my
    own general distrust of the API (yes, I'm still calling it
    an api).

    This is a bug that I am able to reproduce 100% of the time
    with 0.85 RC1, and never with my own patched version. The
    DLLs being registered are proprietary VB6 COM dlls, with no
    special registration logic.

    The specific error message is:
    [comregister] Error while unregistering
    [comregister] Unable to find an entry point named
    DllUnregisterServer in DLL

    (error sometimes occurs with the register function too)

    I have attached a script, although I am unable to send you
    the DLLs that are used by the script. Perhaps substituting
    the names of your own set of 10-12 large COM dlls will do
    the trick. The script unregisters and re-registers DLLs for
    a few minutes before it starts giving errors. When using
    the patch, it runs successfully to completion.

  • Ian MacLean

    Ian MacLean - 2004-12-18

    Logged In: YES

    yes rc1 does contain that fix but it shouldn't be related to
    the error you're are seeing.
    I appreciate that you can't send proprietry dlls - however
    the self-registration part should be unreleated to the rest
    of the code in the dll. Would you be able to:
    - find a single dll that consistently reproduces the
    registration error
    - then strip all the code out of it -- except for a couple
    of stub methods maybe and see if it still fails
    - attach the stripped down version here
    could you also run depends.exe on the failing dll to verify
    that it indeed contains a DllUnregisterServer entry point. -
    Since its a vb6 dll there is no reason that it shouldn't but
    who knows.
    oh - does it always fail with the same dll ? or does it vary ?

  • Steven Campbell

    Steven Campbell - 2004-12-19

    Logged In: YES

    It does not seem to be related to a single DLL - it is more
    a function of repeated registration and unregistration of a
    set of DLLs within the same process.

    When I reproduced the first time, I reduced the set of DLLs
    to the 2 failing DLLs, and tried again to reproduce. It did
    not happen. I then put all the DLLs back, and reproduced
    again; this time a separate subset of the DLLs gave the problem.

    While I do not believe the problem is related to the
    specific set of DLLs, I cannot rule that out. Perhaps the
    best course of action would be to wait for someone else to
    report a similar issue. If that happens, then it should be
    easier to find the common thread.

  • Steven Campbell

    Steven Campbell - 2006-10-04

    Logged In: YES

    Closing this, because current version of comregister appears
    to be working better. Probably, improved releasing of
    objects has fixed the problem.

  • Steven Campbell

    Steven Campbell - 2006-10-04
    • status: open --> closed

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