
#7 Create two new directories to replace NB-extra


I do not like the idea to split the NanoBlogger project in two modules (Nanoblogger & NanoBlogger-extra). Practically, everybody needs the both and this makes the merging difficult for the beginners, due to the fact that the distros packagers are rarely providing release of NB.
I agree to have a clear separation between what is absolutely necessary, superfluous and not well tested. So my proposition is to have inside an unique module (named NanoBlogger) three directories under the root:

1. "base" directory
2. "contrib" directory
3. "experimental" directory

The base directory should contain only code that is maintained by the project admin(s) or developer(s). This code is from either a developer or a contributor that agree to give it to the nanoblogger's project.

The contrib directory should contains only code provided by contributors. This code is supposed stable and should stand previously under the experimental directory. All the translations will be placed under the contrib directory. Each contribution must wear the name, alias and e-mail address of the contributor. This could be achieve by a comment inside the contributed file, or if the contribution has several files, an author file in a dedicated directory's contributor. The contributor is responsible of the maintenance, bug fixes of the code that it contributes. The project admin may remove or move back the contributed code to the experimental directory if users complains about bugs that the contributor doesn't correct.

The experimental directory contains either code provided by developer(s) of NB project and external contributors. This code is not enough tested and is for testing or experimented users only.

The "nb.conf" file should be modified by adding a new question :
1. base installation (stable, but English language only and limited features)
2. normal installation (stable, extended features and multilingual) -- the default
3. experimental installation (for testing or advanced users only)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Nice ideas Denis ;) Thank you for your actives contributions. It would be cool features for developpers and advanced users.

  • Kevin Wood

    Kevin Wood - 2008-10-22

    You make a lot of good points. I've seen similar layout for larger projects and even a small project could benefit from a familiar structure. I especially liked your suggestion for an experimental branch. That's probably what I could use the most.

    Now, I just hope that I don't have to resolve to having an SF staffer set this up for me. Hopefully I have enough permissions to do this restructuring myself.


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