
Select services for a host within hostgroup

  • marcelo_imai

    marcelo_imai - 2006-03-27

    I already have an old version of Nagios running on another older version of Nagios Web Config. With that version, I was able to create services for hostgroups, and later choose the services I wanted when registering the host in the hostgroup.
    Now that I am trying to create a new nagios 2.0 with a new version of Nagios Web Config, I am able to create the services for each hostgroup. However, I can not select which services I want for each host. The host in that hostgroup will have exactly the same services defined for the host. I can only include new services at host level later, but I can not remove services defined in the hostgroup.
    I understand it works like that because this version of Nagios/Nagios Web config create one entry for each combination of Hostgroup/service. In the earlier version of Nagios and Nagios web config, it generated one entry for each combination of Host/service, independently the service was defined at hostgroup level.
    Does anyone have any hint to make it work like before?

    Looking forward answers.

    • Josh Konkol

      Josh Konkol - 2006-03-29

      When I re-wrote NagiosWeb for 2.x I left out this behavior. 

      I'm not sure how you can get around it.


    • Dave

      Dave - 2006-04-03

      Yes, this sounds like a more logical behavior than the current version provides. I too would like to see this implemented.

    • MikeAM

      MikeAM - 2006-04-20

      As a suggestion, would it be possible to allow services to exist in the database that are not associated to a host. Then only write them to the nagios configuration when they become assocaited?

      I too would like to be able to prebuild services and associate them to several hosts later. Isn't that why $HOSTADDRESS$ exists?

      Also, thanks for making nagios configuration easier!

    • Josh Konkol

      Josh Konkol - 2006-04-21

      Well there's enough demand.  I will work on creating service template function that will allow you to create a template then use that template when defining a new service.


    • Josh Konkol

      Josh Konkol - 2006-04-21

      Check out version 1.3 with Service Templates, hopefully that helps.


    • MikeAM

      MikeAM - 2006-04-24

      Thanks Josh,
      That works perfectly. I had to edit side.html to include a menu item for servicetemplate.php, but it works.
      Thanks for your help and responsiveness.


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