
#26 Can't access pickers

Troy Settle

When trying to access pickers (notepad icon), the UI is displaying the parent page. See screen shot.

Also happens when clicking a help icon.

Using 3.5.0 via gitlab.

1 Attachments


  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-20

    I am not able to reproduce the problem at the moment. For me, the pickers work as expected on two installations and two different browsers.
    Can you give me more information about your environment (browser, web server, versions)?

    • Troy Settle

      Troy Settle - 2023-01-20

      Alma Linux 9
      nginx 1.20
      php-fpm 8.0.2
      firefox 109
      chrome 108

      Normally use Firefox, but tested on Chrome as well.

      Looking in the console, I see the request for the mut and info content. Server is definitely returning the wrong content.

      • Troy Settle

        Troy Settle - 2023-01-20

        here's the request for info.php

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-21

    Did the previous NagiosQL 3.4.1 ever work in such an environment? Can you check NagiosQL 3.5.0 in an installation on which it has worked before? It would be helpful if you could rule out some of the parts, like alma or nginx or php-fpm. Does NagiosQL generally work with nginx or with php-fpm - just not in this combination on alma?

    The first step in debugging would be to change the URL of the main window from service.php to mutdialog.php. Then the content of the picker should be visible there - the parameters should be omitted.

    There are some header() redirects in the included prepend_adm.php file. These are mostly based on session variables - so if there is a problem with the session it would redirect to the main page.

    You would have to check this step by step and also check the session variables. This is the only way to find the reason for the redirection. Since I can't reproduce the problem, you would have to do the debugging by yourself.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-21

    If it is possible for you to install a small virtual machine (VMware Player) with this environment on which you can reproduce the problem. So I could download this and test with me.

    • Troy Settle

      Troy Settle - 2023-01-21

      Yeah, I think I can do that. Will also rule out me being a bonehead.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-21

    Ok, then I'll wait for it - I think the problem is certainly solvable.
    I have installed a publicly available preview version of 3.5.0 here: (User: admin Pw: admin)

    The data there is reset every hour and the installation has no connection to a real Nagios installation


    Last edit: Martin 2023-01-21
    • Troy Settle

      Troy Settle - 2023-01-21

      Just sent you a message with a download link from Google Drive.

      Well, 2 messages since I forgot to include the link in the first.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-21

    Thank you, but VMware ist not able to import the VM because it was not exported in OVF format 1.0. Can you export it again with 1.0?

    It was also not possible to open the ova with virtualbox because the WAS audio driver cannot be used - best to remove audio altogether as well.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-21

    Ok, after a few tries I managed to get the VM running. Additionally I found the error after that :)

    Please change in the ngnix.conf the following lines in the "location ~ .php$ {" section:

    from (old):
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;

    to (new):
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
    fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

    And NagiosQL 3.5.0 will work as expected.

    • Troy Settle

      Troy Settle - 2023-01-22

      Guess that's what I get for copy and pasting a seemingly working config.

      I got to looking at the developer console a little more, and now see what it's doing with the relative links, and your fix fixed it.

      Sorry for the hassle. Thanks for the help.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-22

    While debugging, I noticed that the web server variable PHP_SELF contained the path of the calling file twice.

    A search on Google showed that this problem probably already occurred in other environments.

    The main thing is that it works now :)

  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-22
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Martin
  • Martin

    Martin - 2023-01-22
    • Milestone: 3.4.0 --> 3.5.0

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