
list of registers and their uses

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there a list of registers and their default use somewhere? I haven't been able to locate an english version of the official violet assembly document. I'm trying to read the french one but maybe I'm missing something because I just want to find a list of the registers and their corresponding intended use. For example the first three, R0, R1, R2, are used to store the red, green, and blue values so when you call LED, it can dip into those registers and set the LED appropriatly. Others?

    • Emmanuel

      Emmanuel - 2006-10-18

      Sorry for the sooooo late answer...

      Registers are multipurpose and can be used for anything. But operands (f.i. LED) very often take some of or all of their parameters from fixed registers. The only exception is the stack pointer, if I remember well (R15).

      Use of registers per operand appears in the documentation. We are thinking of a translation...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      A translation including would be much appreciated! Actually, I wasn't able to find the real nabaztag machine language pdf- it appears to have been taken down? but I'm operating off a google cache version of it. hopefully there are no critical images in the original : )

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      No french pdf on the site? Google no longer seems to have it in cache? The english translation is 'lost' or broken?

      Can anyone point to a on-line copy (french or english is fine).



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