
Statistics for month and year not showing

  • Giancarlo

    Giancarlo - 2017-12-12
    Hi, I cannot see any bar when selecting any statistics for month or year. Could you help me?
  • matejj4

    matejj4 - 2018-04-11

    I have same problem. I can see tours in the tourbook view.

    I am missing MTB option in combobox as shown here:

    There are no options I can choose from.

  • matejj4

    matejj4 - 2018-07-20

    My combobox is empty.

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2018-07-21

    Are there any tour types defined ?

    Are there any tours for "Leho" in the years 2015...2018 ?

    I just discovered, when there are NO tours in the selected date range then the combo is not updated (it shows the old tour types) but when there are any tours, then the combobox shows all tour types from the tours in the date range

  • matejj4

    matejj4 - 2018-08-16

    No, I do not have no tour types defined.

    I have rides.

    Weekly summary works.

    But yearly not.


    Last edit: matejj4 2018-08-16
  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2018-08-18

    I fixed this bug, is available in the next version


    Last edit: Wolfgang ch 2018-08-18