
ADO.Net drivers for MySql and PostgreSql / News: Recent posts

ByteFX.Data acquired, becoming the official MySQL .NET provi


In April, 2004, I joined the MySQL team and the ByteFX.Data provider has
been acquired and is being developed into the official .NET provider for
MySQL! While some details of the transition are still being worked out,
this change will include a change to the name and namespace of the

New versions of the provider will no longer be distributed from this
site or the corresponding site. Bug reports in the
existing builds can be submitted at read more

Posted by Reggie Burnett 2004-05-06

Connection Pooling

The first cut of connection pooling has been posted. The connection string values that are supported right now are "min pool size" and "max pool size"

It is not well tested at this point so be careful!


Posted by Reggie Burnett 2003-04-06