
MySQLdb-1.2.2 released

  • Andy Dustman

    Andy Dustman - 2007-03-04

    You should know where to find it by now.

    If you're looking for a Windows package, I don't have one yet.

    If you can build a Windows package, let me know. 1.2.2 uses setuptools, so I tend to think an egg is probably the best way to go, MySQL-5.0 seems the most likely version that people will want; to use another version you will need to edit site.cfg. There wlil probably also be demand for both Python-2.4 and 2.5.

    In fact, if you're a Windows user and you want a build, add a reply that states what versions of MySQL and python you require.

    If you have a full compiler toolchain (on any platform), you should be able to do:

    easy_install MySQL-python # run as root or use sudo

    If you don't have setuptools on your system already, do this instead:

    python MySQL-python

    To build a binary egg distribution:

    $ python bdist_egg

    Like RPMs?

    $ python bdist_rpm # not tested, but it'll probably work

    • oakdale

      oakdale - 2007-03-08

      I'm using MySQL-python.exe-1.2.1_p2.win32-py2.4.exe, with MySQL 5.0.27.
      Call me ignorant, but I have no idea what a "binary egg distribution" is.

      I'm not in urgent need of an exe file, but I do prefer to use the current release of anything (except Vista, obviously).


    • Andy Dustman

      Andy Dustman - 2007-03-08

      So why aren't you using Python-2.5?

      I have a binary egg now for Python-2.5 and MySQL-5.0, and it's uploaded to the Cheeseshop, so if you go through the easy_install procedure, it should find it. On Windows it's kind of a pain in the ass because there's an easy_install.exe that probably isn't on your path (it's in your Python installations scripts directory). If it doesn't download automatically, download the egg manually and then run easy_install.exe on the egg directly.


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