
Almost there! :)

Hello, folks!

Well... I know I've been pretty quiet about how the development of MyLV is going, but right now, I'm happy to announce that the first release of MyLV is just about ready!
There is one more big feature that needs to be implemented, and then I think I can say we'll be ready for the first alpha release.
Neven has hacked together a website for MyLV, and it'll be up pretty soon. You can check it out on
As for me, as I said, I'm doing some final work on this release, and then we'll start some internal alpha testing.
This means that there won't be any update site from which you could download MyLV right now, actually I'm probably not going to create a public update site until our first beta.
Of course, if you're really eager to see what MyLV is like, you can always check out the code from our SVN repo and build it yourself.
Ok, so that's about it for now, I'll make sure I brief you on any additional news that come up later! :)

Posted by Matej Naglić 2011-06-24

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