
myjaphoo / News: Recent posts

Version 3.13 released

The new version can be downloaded at

Changes & fixes:

  • several enhancements for groovy scripting to add e.g. own thumb loader, own path substitution logic, etc
  • updated to latest library versions
  • fixed bug with event bus and messages
  • alt-left & alt-right: go history back and forward
  • aggregations possible, e.g. sum of values
  • having clause possible to filter by aggregations
Posted by Matt 2015-11-09

Version 3.12.199 released

A new version has been released with some bug fixes:

works now properly on Java 8
fixed some groovy scripting issues
fixed vlc thumbnail provider issues
new feature to use lists of groupings
Posted by Matt 2015-03-21

Version 3.11 released

A new version has been released!

The new version is available at

improved Filterlanguage: Simple searches for words are now possible without any syntax knowledge
Filter: matched text occurrences are now highlighted in the Tree-Table and in the Properties Panel
Filte shortcuts for regex searches, e.g. tag?myregexsearch, see documentation
integrated Exif Attribute View  into the Properties Panel
a view bug fixes and optimizations
Posted by Matt 2014-11-19

Version 3.10 released

A new version has been released, see for more details.

Posted by Matt 2014-09-02

Version 3.9.158 released

A new maintenance version has been released.

see Details under

Posted by Matt 2014-05-06

Version 3.9 released


New Features

* User defined properties for Media entries, tags and metatags: you are now able to define your own properties/attributes for these entities and define values for them in the properties panel

* bookmarks and scripts could have a path to group them in the menus. You can use / within the name of a bookmark or script to structure it in submenus in the UI
* better groovy integration for filtering and grouping. You could put initialisation groovy code into the application to define your own menu points,  filter functions, grouping functions, etc. This customization will be improved over the next versions
* several small bugfixes and performance improvments
* Please note, that the application asumes a 64 bit java runtime, now as the start script increases the max memory to 3GB... [read more](/p/myjaphoo/news/2014/03/version-39-released/)
Posted by Matt 2014-03-17

Version 3.8.121 released


Filter Bricks

The new version 3.8 contains a nice new feature for quickly filtering data without knowledge of the underlying filter language. This makes it much easier to work with filters. You can now simply add a “brick” for a identifier e.g. for dir, tag, exif-tags, etc, and then simply choose the value to filter from a combobox.

Of course it has not the full power of the filter language, but in most cases this is enough to quickly filter and browse the data, and this all without deeper knowledge of the language itself in detail. The filter bricks get combined with the regular filter expression using a logical “and”. So you can combine simple filter tasks and sophisticated filtering within the filter editor.... read more

Posted by Matt 2013-07-29

Version 3.7.105 released

Java 7

Starting with the version 3.7 the application needs now a java 7 runtime. Please be sure that you have java 7 installed before you try to update to 3.7.
New Features

* Direct switch to another database from the user menu
* Divided preferences in some which are related to a specific database and therefore saved in the database and others which are system wide.... [read more](/p/myjaphoo/news/2013/04/version-37105-released/)
Posted by Matt 2013-04-22

Version 3.6.103 released

New Features

Better Auto Completion in Filter Editor and Grouping Editor

The auto completion in filter and grouping editor reacts now more on the context of the inputted text. The proposed completions therefore do now also contain tag names, metatag names, path fragments, comments, title or any exif tag content. This makes it much more powerful in helping to complete an expression.

For some proposed completions it will now also show additional information e.g. a thumb (this is the case for tags and meta tags).... read more

Posted by Matt 2013-02-21

Version 3.5.95 released!

A Hot fix version has been released!

Please update existing 3.5 releases with this one, as in 3.5.94 there are some bugs when using a new created database: you are not able to get a context menu and you can not create tags.

Download the version under

Posted by Matt 2012-10-28

Version 3.5 released!

Version 3.5 has released with some small improvements and bug fixes.

see more at

Posted by Matt 2012-09-29

Version 3.4.92 released!

Maintenance Relase!
see for details

Posted by Matt 2012-05-15

Version 3.4.88 released!

Support for Oracle, MySQL, Postgres and H2!

New Card View!

Several bugfixes and improvements

Get more information on

Posted by Matt 2012-03-29

Version 3-3-80 Released

- fixed some minor problems with the installer.

Posted by Matt 2012-02-09

Version 3.3.72 released

This new version has the following improvements:

- Autocompletion with Ctr-Space in the Filter Editor, Group By Editor and Bookmark-Table-Editing
- Function to update a saved bookmark
- reworked filer & grouping: works now as expected from sql databases when dealing with relations to tags and metatags
- redesigned the group by panel: it consists now only of the free text panel; the predefined groupings and combinations are changed to popup buttons; this gives a bit more place in the ui and it more concise
- added german localisation
- actions work now more in parallel: e.g. it is possible to copy files and meanwhile continue to browse the collection
- messages view which shows the status of actions
- reworked the thumb grid view: size changes let the cells automatically "float" with respect to the changed size; Selection is now as expected from other programs: could select multiple ranges and also individual cells with shift and ctrl key.

Posted by Matt 2012-01-24

Version 3-2-69 released

This release contains a bug fix for regarding the preferences handling, as well as some smaller bugfixes and small changes.

Wish you all a Merry Chrismas out there!

Posted by Matt 2011-12-19

Version 3.2-62 released

French Localisation

Thanks to Gilles Saint-Denis for his gread work in introducing GUI Internationalisation to myjaphoo!

This version supports now french localisation of the user interface!

This version also has some minor fixes and small features:

- new filter&grouping functions: retaindigits, removedigits, retainletters, removeletters
- new identifier: namewithoutsuffix
- new: filter & grouping language now supports functions in all expression parts
- copy files function, which copies which uses the group structure to build the destination path... read more

Posted by Matt 2011-11-05

Version 3-2-56 released

This version hot-fixes a problem of the 3-2-55 & 3-2-54 version.

There was a bug on some platforms (e.g. Linux platforms) where the application crashed during start up.

If you experience any problems on linux or mac update to 3-2-56.


Posted by Matt 2011-09-16

Problems in 3-2-54 and 3-2-55

There exist a bug in the latest 3-2-54 and 3-2-55 versions:

they do not startup in on linux platforms (and probably all other non-windows platforms).
I´l have to investigate it, but its probably because of a Swingx component that does not support the linux platform.
I will fix this as soon as possible.

For the meanwhile:

- windows users: just take the newest 3-2-55 version
- other platform users: take the 3-2-33 version. it should be stable on all platforms.... read more

Posted by Matt 2011-09-15

New Version 3.2-54

New maintenance release

A new version with a view bugfixes and small improvements has been released:

- separete Exif-Panel
- Easy Search textbox for simple search terms
- small improvements for creating Tags and MetaTags
- changed layout of preferences dialog
- filter-language: bugfix: identifier "x" has not worked
- filter-language: bugfix: exif-expression comparison with nothing has not worked
- reworked Info-Panel
- new function: open folder with explorer for a media file
-new operators: endswith and startswith

Posted by Matt 2011-09-11

New Version 3.2-33 released with Exif support

New version 3.2 released with the following new features:

Exif Extraction:

Exif data gets extracted and saved in the database.
you can filter by all exif tags
you can group by all exif tags

Grouping by all media attributes possible

the grouping language has been extended to allow groupings by all existing attributes of media files. These attributes could be used to build simple groupings just by the attribute values or by more complex “If … else ” expressions... read more

Posted by Matt 2011-08-20