
Version 3.3.72 released

This new version has the following improvements:

- Autocompletion with Ctr-Space in the Filter Editor, Group By Editor and Bookmark-Table-Editing
- Function to update a saved bookmark
- reworked filer & grouping: works now as expected from sql databases when dealing with relations to tags and metatags
- redesigned the group by panel: it consists now only of the free text panel; the predefined groupings and combinations are changed to popup buttons; this gives a bit more place in the ui and it more concise
- added german localisation
- actions work now more in parallel: e.g. it is possible to copy files and meanwhile continue to browse the collection
- messages view which shows the status of actions
- reworked the thumb grid view: size changes let the cells automatically "float" with respect to the changed size; Selection is now as expected from other programs: could select multiple ranges and also individual cells with shift and ctrl key.

Posted by Matt 2012-01-24

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