
MyITCRM1 v0.2.9.2 Released!

MyITCRM1 v0.2.9.2 Released!

Well it's been almost 12 months since our last release and the Team at MYITCRM (shoulders and geevpc) would like to officially announce that MyITCRM1- v0.2.9.2 is Released!

This release is by far the biggest release we have made. With in total more the 70 Features added and Issues resolved.

We would also like to add that MyITCRM now compatible with PHP 5.3.4 or later.

We have also updated to a new wiki software for MyITCRM's documentation. There is still along way to go with many pages and tutorials to be written so if you can spare a few minutes why not head over to the wiki site and get creating great guides. If that's not your style but would like to know other ways to help out, please read this article on how to contribute to MyITCRM.

Also over the coming weeks we would like to gather more information in regards to what you use and what you don't use in MyITCRM1 via forum polls. These polls will be created on the forum so please check-in and have your say.
Some of the Key Additions and fixes are:

Bug #145: Invoice stats on Welcome screen not calculating correctly.
Bug #150: correct use of currency symbol
Bug #162: add WO number to PDF or remove
Bug #174: sub totals on invoice pages
Bug #187: work order nav menu keeps collapsing
Bug #188: TRACKER not found
Bug #189: Tax Should not Round up.
Bug #193: Inactive employee can still log in
Bug #198: Refund details not accessible " Permission Denied"
Bug #205: view+.gif not rendering on some server installations
Bug #237: on customer search page limit number of displayed customers
Bug #246: GMAPS fails to load in IFrames now.
Feature #75: Work order resolution on invoice
Feature #85: option to force SSL
Feature #88: Ability to sell parts only
Feature #92: Ability to add and remove parts from a WO
Feature #93: be able to add and remove labour from the WO page
Feature #103: on invoice page separate sub totals for parts and labour
Feature #118: Separate labor and parts in reports.
Feature #148: print invoice logic updated
Feature #160: add GBP to company setup description
Feature #167: add printing type to business setup or remove tables in company setup
Feature #182: descending closed and open work orders
Feature #183: make appropriate lists descending
Feature #194: suppliers, expenses, refunds make notes and description use tinymce
Feature #195: create htaccess file with caching
Feature #199: Minimize Invoice Stats on Main Page
Feature #245: Invoice Deletion Function

To view all the changes, please visit the change logs here.

You can check out the latest release at our demo site or you can download you own free copy from here

From the team at MyITCRM, we hope you enjoy!

Posted by Glen  Vanderhel 2011-09-30

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